Chapter Fourteen

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(The control is now back to London)

She'd done it. She separated us. She'd been plotting this for centuries, since she was last locked away in my mind. "Venessa, why?" I cough, gasping for air. Aidan could sense I was in danger. He was by my side within minutes. Dark, bruise-colored welts started to appear around my body. I was rotting from the inside out. V had no idea this would happen. The creepy woman with a cloak on was still there. She stood calmly, her face covered completely from the cloak. She showed no signs of distress.

"Tell me how to fix this!" V screams at the woman. She hunched down on one knee by my side, Aidan on the other. "You've wanted this for so long. Why back down now? You'll finally rule the world." The woman says flatly.

"Venessa, why would you do this!?" Aidan cries out. He held me close to him, while mumbling on about things were going to be okay. Aidan alerts my mother and father of what's happening, not our current location. I let out a loud shriek as I feel knives run across my skin. They created deep gashes that made blood spill out immediately. Except, there were no knives. The cuts were being made by something unfamiliar, invisible, mysterious.

"You can not stop this Venessa. You brought this upon yourself." The woman says, taking off her cloak. It was Venessa. She was herself. It seemed to be her in her younger years, before evil consumed her soul.

The cloaked woman was Venessa, but real V was just right there. "I'm doing this to myself. How do I get back in?" She mumbles to herself. Her thoughts were scrambled as she tried to think of something.

I was getting worse. The welts started to open up, oozing blood. The cuts continued. Aidan applies pressure on whatever he can to stop the bleeding. "Maybe we can give her a blood transfusion," he says breathlessly, out of ideas and desperate to keep me alive.

I gasp for more air. It was getting harder to breath now. My eyelids were getting heavy. "Wait, I have an idea. Maybe if I tap her heart or my heart with my finger, I'll go back inside." Venessa suggests. Aidan looks up at her, confused. "Our souls and hearts are one." She says in a panicky voice.

Venessa holds one hand in her heart, one on mine, and chants an ancient language. Then she was gone. I felt her back inside of me. Blisters disappeared, I could breathe again, but the cuts wouldn't stop gushing out blood. They were deeply cut, the bleeding wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Aidan picks me up and looks around. Buildings on fire, dead bodies from the coven of witches, and yet he couldn't find the cloaked woman. She had disappeared. "I need to get you to a hospital, my love." Aidan whines, using his vampire speed to get to his pack house. He quickly brings me to the infirmary with the help of the maids who were quick to aid to me. The doctors here are skilled enough to treat a vampire because they know what Aidan and his parents really are. Unfortunately that was only two people that were actually skilled enough. At this point, I was close to passing out. I've lost too much blood.

"I'll need to do a blood transfusion. is that okay, my love?" Aidan asks me. I nod slowly, as it hurt to move in any way possible. "Do whatever you need, just help me." I say.

He places me on the hospital bed and forces the doctors with enough experience, no matter where or how busy, to aid me. The welts has gone away at this point. The doctor hooks up an IV pole to Aiden, taking as much as he could. The other doctor begins to neatly stitch up my cuts as well as he could while we waited for the blood.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I turn my head to look up at Aidan. He immediately takes my hand and kisses it, not caring that it's bloodstained. After finishing about 5 stitches, the doctor sticks a needle in my arm that was connected to the pint of blood that was taken out of Aidan's arm.

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