The Boys at the Park

Start from the beginning

'I am positive that they're both wizards,' Albus said as the three hurried down the street.

'I am not,' Rose said stubbornly. 'Because if they were, I'm sure they'd already be informed about Hogwarts and that they'd be controlling they're magic. I'm sure it's just an act.'

'They still have another month to turn eleven,' Scorpius pointed out, flattening his blonde hair.

'Exactly,' Albus cried, pointing a finger at Rose.

'Exactly, what?" somebody asked. The three looked in front of them and Scorpius had suddenly vanished from sight. Albus was glad because he and Rose were looking at his older brother, James.

'Weren't there three of you?' James asked.

'Nope,' Albus said, wishing he didn't have to lie all the time.

'Just us,' Rose squeaked. James sighed. 'Where's Dad?' he asked Albus.

'He's at the Ministry, where else?' Albus said.

'Okay, thanks. I need to ask him for a new broomstick. I'm trying out for the team this year.'

'I thought the rule had been changed!' Rose said.

'It has,' James assured her. 'I just didn't want to try out last year.' James was twelve and was into his second year of Hogwarts. Like his uncles, Fred and George (Fred, however had died several years earlier in battle) James got into a lot of trouble at Hogwarts which included blowing up toilet seats. As he walked off, Scorpius stepped out of a bookshop.

'I can't wait until we finally decide to tell our parents that we're friends,' he grumbled.

'That may be so but it also depends how they'd take it,' Rose pointed out. Scorpius started complaining again so Albus shut him up by returning to the topic of the two boys at the park.

'Look!' he said suddenly. 'There's one of them!' The other two looked where he was pointing and saw the boy with longish, black hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt with eyes on it and new looking jeans.

'He looks rich,' Scorpius said, impressed. 'That's a Crocodile Louie t-shirt. They cost almost three hundred pounds each. That's about twenty Galleons in our money.'

'Twenty?" Albus gasped. 'Wow that is expensive. Maybe his parents are doctors. Even in the muggle world, doctors earn a lot of money.'

'Well, enough about what he looks like,' Rose snapped. 'How are we going to find out if he's a wizard or not?'

'Wait here,' Albus said. 'But if I go anywhere, meet me in half an hour at the Leaky Cauldron.'



'Why can't you just be as cooperative as Scorpius?' Albus sighed at his cousin. Rose folded her arms. 'Okay,' she said. 'Let's have a bet. If these boys are wizards, then I'll pay you two Galleons. If they aren't, you pay me four Galleons and you don't try out for the Quidditch team this year.' Albus frowned. 'Fine!' he said. 'But if I win, you also have to kiss Scorpius on the lips.' Rose looked horrified. Scorpius did too. 'Fine,' Rose said finally. Albus grinned. They both spat on there hands, shook, and sealed the deal.


Albus walked over to the boy and bumped into him purposely.

'Oh, sorry!' he said. 'I was looking for my wallet. I dropped it on this street!'

'Really?' the boy said.

'About an hour ago,' Albus improvised.

'Oh, well it'll be long gone by now. You might want to check the Police Station to see if they've found it.'

'Thanks. I'm Albus Potter.'

'Dimitri Reynolds,' the boy said, holding out his hand. Albus shook it. 'How old are you?' he asked.

'I'm ten,' Dimitri said. 'I turn eleven next week. Do you live in London?'

'No, my Dad works here. My family and I are here for a while though. I go off to boarding school on September the 1st.'

'Boarding school,' Dimitri said. 'Which one?' Albus mentally punched himself.

'Woodlands,' he said. 'It's um...quite far.'

'It has to be,' Dimitri said. 'I've never heard of it. Hey, are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Maybe you could play video games over at my house.'

'Sure,' Albus said, taking back his mental punch. 'How about I meet you at...Four Fields Park?'

'Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'See you!'

Scorpius and Rose were waiting as Albus ran back to them. 'Well?' Scorpius asked. 'Is he a wizard?'

'I don't know yet,' Albus said. 'He's invited me to his house tomorrow afternoon.'

'I have to go to my little brother's Quidditch match tomorrow afternoon!' Scorpius cried.

'Oh well,' Albus said. 'Rose can come. I'll send you an owl on what happened.'

'Okay, fine,' Scorpius said heavily. 'Anyway, I'd better go. My Mum's probably waiting to take me back home.'

'See you Scorpio,' Rose said, waving. Albus waved and then grinned at his cousin. 'See,' he said. 'Maybe Dimitri is a wizard.'

'What about his friend?'

'Well, I'll see about that tomorrow.'

'There you guys are,' Harry said. 'I thought you said you'd go to the Leaky Cauldron if you left the Ministry.'

'We did,' Rose said. 'But we decided to have a look around. Can we please wander around London tomorrow?'

'Only after lunch,' Harry said, leading the two over to an old pub. It was in between a book shop and an old records store. It was strange. Harry, Albus and Rose seemed to be the only people who could see it. Rose turned the handle and they all stepped inside. The place was buzzing with people.

'Ah, Harry,' the bar tender named Tom said, grinning. 'The usual?'

'Yes, please,' Harry said. 'And some butterbeer for the other two.' Albus looked outside and gasped. Dimitri was looking through the window of the Leaky Cauldron. He waved at Albus. His mother didn't seem to be able to see the pub. Albus knew only wizards and witches could see it. He grinned. He was definitely going to win this bet.

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