Don't I get Any Credit?

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Albus whirled round to Rose. 'What do you mean we're all dead?' he demanded. 'We're alive! Morrall is the only one who's dead here!'

'Scorpius you idiot!' James howled.

'What's going on?' Avery shouted. Albus saw the face of Voldemort slowly fading away.

'Wait!' Albus shouted suddenly. 'I need to talk to you!'

'You will get your chance,' Voldemort called. 'This is only the first time we all will meet. But violence cannot be used in this pathway. By your young friend killing his godfather, he has set off the trigger. The pathway is now self-destructing. It will take its host down with it.'

'Its host?' Jessica said, frowning.

'Hogwarts!' Rose shrieked. 'When the Pathway crumbles it will take Hogwarts down with it!'

'Run!' James shouted. Everyone scrambled to their feet and started sprinting out of the Pathway.

'James,' someone said. James looked to his side and saw the face of Albus Dumbledore.

'What do I do?' James panicked.

'Inatum Maveilus,' Dumbledore said.

'Man, that is so cliched,' Scorpius muttered. 'Everything's going wrong and then the dead hero helps somebody save the day.'

'Inatum Maveilus!' James yelled, pointing Scorpius's wand at the pathway. Suddenly, it started to crumble five times faster than it had been before.

'What just happened?' James asked, horrified. The dead headmaster's face contorted and turned into the face of Morrall. 'You shouldn't trust the dead,' he sneered. 'Your precious Hogwarts is over!'

'No!" Jessica gasped. She snatched the wand from James's hand and said a spell she'd never heard of in her life. 'Familius Undesirus!'

There was a smash and Jessica screamed 'Get out! Get out now!' She had no idea how she knew to get out, just that they had to. As soon as everybody got out, the pathway crumbled at their feet.

Albus felt something crash onto his back and he groaned.

'The body!' Scorpius gasped.

'Trapped in there,' James said, trying to sit up through the rubble.


Albus turned and saw his father racing towards him. 'What the hell is going on?'

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Draco, Kingsley and Teddy came running after.

'The pathway's destroyed...' Scorpius said, clasping his hands together. 'I killed Morrall.'

'I knew it was what?' Draco gasped.

'I killed him..." Scorpius whispered. "And I don't have any intent on feeling remorse either."

"You don't need to,' Rose said sharply. 'You didn't make a horcrux out of the split soul.'

Ro helped Jessica up and hugged her.

'See!' a voice yelled. 'They were doing something! They were...'

Albus saw Joseph pointing at them, red in the face, his broom in one hand and the book full of information about the Morralls in the other.

'It seems,' Kingsley said. 'That Albus and his friends have saved us all.'

Joseph's face went purple in rage and he stormed off. Despite everything that was going on, Albus couldn't help but laugh.

'Dad,' Scorpius said, stepping up to Draco. 'I'm real sorry about not getting into Slytherin. And, I haven't told anyone about the vampire thing.'

'The vampire thing?' Albus asked, coming up to him. 'What're you talking about?'

Scorpius grimaced. 'I...I have a real big secret.'

'Yeah, you and the rest of the world,' Jessica said, joining them. 'I mean...wait, I'm just going to say it. Hang on.'

She stood up on the highest pile of rubble and yelled out 'I am Tom Riddle's brother's son's daughter!'

Everyone went silent and looked at her. The adults looked sheepish, the children looked astonished.

'Move it,' Scorpius said, pushing her off the rubble. He took her spot and shouted 'I am a vampire! Every month at new moon, I phase into a vampire! My real soul is trapped inside of me but I can't control my actions. I'm almost like a werewolf.'

There was an even bigger silence (if that makes sense.)

'Oh yeah,' Scorpius added. 'Somethin' else.' He turned to Albus. 'Al, you won the bet.' He jumped down and kissed Rose...smacker on the lips.

Albus gave a hoot and clapped his hands, laughing. He hesitated for a moment and then jumped onto the pile of rubble and pointed at Jessica yelling 'I'm in love with her!'

Avery, James, Dimitri and Jackson were almost wetting themselves they were in such hysterical laughter. Jessica's face went bright red and Albus hi-fived Scorpius. Suddenly Albus was yanked down from the pile of rubble and he swallowed as his mother folded her arms and looked down at him. 'You,' she said. 'Albus Severus Potter, are grounded for the entire summer.'


Albus had never been so miserable in his life. He was grounded for summer, Gryffindor had lost the Quidditch match and even with all the points he and the others had been awarded, Slytherin had still won the house cup.

'This sucks!' he yelled, throwing his Gryffindor tie into the fire.

'Look, things aren't so bad,' Jessica said. Albus looked at her incredulously.

'Okay, maybe they are.'

'Where's Scorpio?' Dimitri asked.

'New moon tonight.'


There was an upset silence.

'Well,' Albus said finally. 'At least we're all grounded for the summer.'

'At least,' Max agreed.

Albus walked over to the window and looked outside. The sky was dark with no moon to light it. He felt as if everything he'd done all year had gone to waste. I mean, didn't he get any credit for saving the world? Well...technically, Scorpius had, but hey.

'I'm gonna hit the hay,' he said. He trudged upstairs and without even bothering to take off his glasses, he flopped down and the bed and closed his eyes.

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