The First Day

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Y/n's P. O. V.

I woke up to evan dead asleep beside me. It's still early.. I went to the kitchen and noticed Katie was back. "Hey girl. What's up with him? Drunk?" I looked at Evan.

"Nah.. We just fell asleep here." I laughed and she giggled. "You guys are cute. He's a hottie. Your lucky." I punched her arm and she bit her lips.

"Is he.. Your boyfriend?" Her eyes went wide and I blushed. "No fucking way! OMG gurl!" She crushed me between her arms and I took a few breaths.

"Y/n..?" Evan groaned and stretched.  "Morning evy" I went up to him and sat on his lap. "Morning princess.." I hand him his orange juice and he gladly takes it.

"What time is it?" He pulled me towards his chest and I looked at my phone. "Oh.. It's like 8.30" wow I've never woke up this early ever!

"Well you two love birds, get ready. We have to be there earlier. " my dad came out of the room and I climbed out of Evans lap. Oh jeez.. "Oh.. You stayed here?" He nodded and my dad grabbed his coffee.

"Well go on y/n, get changed." I rolled my eyes and quickly hid so I could watch them from afar. "So, have you guys already..? A ring..?" My dad asked.

"Not yet sir. I love her but right now, I do prefer just being able to date and have fun.. Not to worry about weddings..yet." I smiled. It would be nice to see evan with his tux and my father by my side.

Feels.. Lovely. "I love her. I r-" my dad cut evan off. "I know you do. The way you look at her was I how I used to look at my own wife. You would just admire her all day won't you?"

Evan nodded and my dad gave a small pat on his shoulder. "I'm afraid that my time is nearing.. That's why I needed to find someone for her soon. Take care of her no matter what.  Understood?"

"I understand. You have my word." Evan hugged him and went to the other bathroom for a shower while my dad smiled to himself. What did he mean by.. His time is nearing?

I mean he was old.. Like around his 60s.. But he still has time doesn't he?  My dad started to cough profusely but Katie handed him a pill and a glass of water.

I walked into the bathroom and slid down the wall. "Dad.."

Dads P. O. V. (Your Father)

She didn't know I was dying slowly. I only figured that out when she left to New York. I had a sort of heart disease. It was fatal at my age and could be risky. I was supposed to be in the hospital for treatment but I wanted to see my daughter.

I wanted to make sure I was able to enjoy these few days with her. I could die anytime but at least while she's with me, ill be okay.

I didn't want to make her feel like I'm leaving her all alone. I dont feel like it's the right time to tell her this. I should tell this to evan but that might cause a misunderstanding if she finds out.

After packing and showering, we took the car to the airport and boarded the plane. "So you guys ready for an adventure?" Y/n smiled and I ruffled her hair. "Dad I'm not five anymore." She pouted and I laughed.

"Your still a child to me y/n. You'll always be." She rested on my shoudler and I hugged her. "You guys have the most awesome bonded father-daughter relationship I've ever seen." Evan gave a slight smile.

"Well she's always been close to me. What's to change now?" Evan nodded and y/n gave a giggle. "So, I brought over your mic and headphones that you left at home." I handed it to her.

"Dad.. You could've given it to me while I was in the house!" She yelled and placed it into her bag. "TO HAWAII WE GO!" We three yelled and for the first time, I felt like evan was comfortable around me.

That's was all I wanted.

Evans P. O. V.

As we reached there, I opened my eyes and y/n was busy looking out the window. "Psst. Hey!" I tapped her and she turn to me. "What?". "We're landing princess, wake your dad up."

She shook her dad and he opened his eyes. "Oh.. We here?" I nodded and we grabbed our stuff. I noticed one of the guys I picked as a tour guide for us three separately.

"Heyo! I'm Mark Fischbach!" He Shook our hands and we introduced ourselves. As he bought us around the cities, I noticed the houses that my mom always talked about when I was here for my meetings.

"Hey.. That's where my mom wanted to eat. I heard the food is pretty damn good." Y/n grinned and we enter inside. As we picked a table, I looked at y/n and saw she was smiling widely.

"Beautiful?" I held her hand and she looked at me. "Later, we should go down this street and get some desserts. It's very nice here.". "Why can't my dad get some?"

"Well because i don't think he wants it." I crossed my arm and he gave me a nod. "Yep. I don't want it." I knew he was dying.. The minute I saw him. The minute I called him.

It hurts for me not to tell y/n the truth but I also couldnt confirm it. I didn't hear it from him yet so.. Who knows? Maby he is doing pretty well. I'm just scared and worried for no absolute reason.

"Let's feast!" Her dad dived into the food and I laughed. Watching him. My dad was never this close to me. My mom and I bonded a lot. She would bring me out to eat, play and do stuff.. While my dad particularly, was all about work.

I could get along but never as a father did he once tell me he loves me. I know he does. He'll never say it. But right now, I'm glad y/n is enjoying every minute of this.

I'm just trying to make her happy because I love her.

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