Random shit

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Y/n's P. O.V.

I woke up with Evan sleeping soundly and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. I didn't know I had a daddy kink until now.. Or yesterday..but it was tiring. God. My thighs really hurt. I did feel good though..

I looked at my watch and noticed I was going to be late. I quickly wore my clothes and wrote a letter for my sweetheart before leaving.

Okay.. Today is a good day-. "G/N?!" Some fans saw me from afar, I guess and dashed towards me. Oh jeez. I ran quickly and found an alleyway to hide at.

I noticed the amount of people surrounding a guy and noticed it was..TYLER. I ran to him and dragged him by the arm. "HELP!!!" I slapped him and hid in the corner.

"Dude it's me!" He gave a sigh of relief and I laughed. "You got fans chasing you too?" He gave a nod and panted. "So.. Where were you heading to?" I looked at the building and pointed.

"Same. Kelly just started working there. Surprisingly, she hates it.". "Well I can't lie..". I walked down the alleyway quietly and he stared at me, laughing to himself. "What?" He looked at me and scoffed. "He fucked ya didn't he?"

My face turned red and i gave him a glare. "How was he? tiny or tiny?" I smirked and turn to face him. "He was definitely bigger than you." He gave me a hurt face and walked with me.

"So hows it really going between the two of you?" I thought for a moment. "Its pretty nice..i love him a lot." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Y/n he does love you very much. He talks about you all the fucking time when he's with us. Like im not even fucking joking. Every single thing is always you, you ,you."

I smiled and blushed. "Has he put a ring on it?" My eyes widened. "W-what?". "I said, has he put a ring on your finger yet?". I shook my head and explained. "Cmon its only been just 9 months..Im sure he's trying to take things slow.."

"Yeah that's Evan, smooth and smart is the way he works." I laughed and headed inside the building. "Hey! Y/n there's a guest here for you!" I motioned for him to come through and my dad stood there with Evan beside him.

"DAD!" I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Honey! I missed you! I've been calling and you never answered." I frowned and apologized. "How did you get the money to come here dad?". He smiled and looked at his right.

"He helped me, he's a good kid." My dad winked and i laughed. Evan gives me a smile and i bit my lips. "So , dad you should head to my apartment, take my room and ill be back before 6 i promise." He nodded and hugged me.

As Evan walked away with him, I pulled his collar towards me and held him down. "How did you find my dad?". "Wasn't so hard to find the details of my own girlfriend.." I rolled my eyes and he pressed against me.

"I'll see you back home." He pushed his hair back and licked his lips at me. I giggled and they everyone stared at me. "Get back to work guys!". I notice Tyler in Kelly's office and i went inside to be greeted by..making out.

I cleared my throat and smirked. "Oh shit.." Kelly adjusted her dress and Tyler chuckled. I shook my head and closed their door. "THANKS Y/N!" He yelled and i chuckled. I dont wanna know what they're doing now..

I miss evan already.. I groaned and picked up my phone to called him.

"Evan Fong speaking, Boyfriend of Y/n L/n's" i giggled.

"Mr. Fong..I'm very bored and in need of some assistance" he chuckled.

"What do you need assistance in ma'am?" I hear him laughing quietly.

"I want you daddy.." I whispered.

"What do you want me to do.. princess?~" He lowly growled and i bit my lips.

"I want you make me scream daddy~" He hung up and i stared at my phone shocked. What the fuck?! DID HE JUST HUNG UP ON ME?!

The next minute my office door swung open and Evan stood there. I slowly got up from my chair. "E-Evan?" He grabbed me and pinned me to the table. Holy shit..

"How d-did y-you?" He kissed me and took his tie, wrapping it over mouth. My eyes widened still and he unzipped his pants slowly and teasingly.

I groaned and he ran his thumb over my lips while he gently pecked on my neck and continue to nibble around my sweet spot. He pushed me on top of the table and I held onto his suit.

"How much do you want me kitten~?" his voice went low and seductive like. It made me shiver under his touch. "I need you so much right now.. ~" he smirked and slowly rubbed me as I moaned in his ear.

"Keep moaning..~" I did what he said and he seemed to be impatient. "Beg" His voiced overthrowed mine and I bit my lips. He tilted his head, impatiently waiting for me to say it.

"P-please?" I bit my lips from laughing and I think I pissed him off, might have turned him off too. "Kitten..I will punish you. I won't repeat myself." He growled and I immediately shut up.

"Pl-lease?" He grabbed me by the legs roughly and bend me over the table. "Your so fucking stubborn aren't you? Don't fucking tease me princess..". I gulped as I felt him press his jeans against my butt.

"Fuck!" I screamed as he pushed himself inside me roughly. "O-ow..it hu-urts.." I bit my lips and shut my eyes from the immense pain in my ass.

This is going to be a long day

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