A Good Impression

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Evans P. O. V.

I noticed y/n's dad was always giving me a stare from afar and I understand why.. I mean I was her boyfriend, not to be cliche or anything. I had to make a good impression so that he accepts me into the family.

I look far into the future with y/n.. I love her too much to leave or cheat. She's so pure..  So kind.. Loving ..everything that I've been trying to find. She makes me happy and I try to do the same for her too.

I knew once I saw her, I loved her. She's my entire lifes worth of joy that I'll ever need. I knew she'd love me too. I'm thankful for that at least.

"Evan LETS GO!" Y/n pulled me and I followed behind her. I stayed closer with her dad since it was kind of my strategy to get this to work.

"So.. We should just pick a restraunt and we can have some conversations there." Her dad looked at me and I gave a warm smile. Oh God. What did he meant by 'some conversations'. This is like every boyfriends nightmare, the girls father.


We took a seat down at a table far from others. "So evan, what do you do for a living?" He leaned forward and I took a sharp breath while y/n gave me a look.

"I work in the business that my father handed over to and I own multiple companies, I am like how they would say, their CEO. It's not only for one building but it's for many, many other jobs out there that handles business management and legal affairs."

"Interesting. When did you meet my daughter?" He gave a deep stare and then a light smile. "We met during the interview that she took up when her friend was not feeling well. She especially, caught my attention.."

"That's adorable! I never knew my daughter could even attract men these days." She rolled her eyes and hit her dad in the arm. "Wow dad. Just wow.  I thought you were on my side."

He gave a chuckle and I laughed. "Well what are things you'd do in your free time?" Y/n leaned back and smirked while I layed there quietly. "I.. Uh.. Love to play the guitar and travel around the world."

"That's nice.. Where have you been?"

"Everywhere. Except The Asian Region." Her fathers eyes widened and he gave a genuine smile. "That's amazing. At such a young age, you have so many opportunities to see the world. I wish we were that lucky, kiddo"

"That doesn't mean you still can't. We do have time.. What is the most treasured place you want to visit?" I asked and he thought for a moment before holding y/n hand.

"Hawaii." He smiled.

I gave a small cheeky laugh. "Why hawaii our of all the other countries?"

"My wife loved that place and always wanted to go there before she died but I guess she didn't have enough time."

My heart dropped. "I'm extremely sorry for your loss." I held his shoulder and he gave a nod.

"Hawaii it is then. We'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be there at the airport?" I smirked and his eyes widened.

"Are you joking?! You've done so much for me already! Buying a ticket here was enough. You don't have to bring me elsewhere." He retorted.

"I'm dating your gorgeous diamond that changed me entirely, this is the least I could do to prove my worth for her hand. "

I whispered to him and he gave me a smile. "Alright. Tomorrow it is then."


After the conversation, we headed back to y/n's place and dropped her father off. "We'll see you tomorrow at 10am.. Get ready to leave by then alright?" I told them and y/n hugged her dad and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Your a great guy evan. I'm very proud." He Shook my hand and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back as he ruffled my hair. "Goodnight kids" he yawned and wandered to the room.

"Thanks evan. Whatever your doing this for.. Thank you. You made my Dad's day." Her lips slightly trembled and I kissed her. "Its okay, I'll do anything for you and your family."

"I love you, have a good nights rest. I'll pick you guys up tomorrow." She kissed me again and I smirked. "Goodnight daddy..~" she teased and I groaned.

"Y/n !" I opened her door and she stared at me. "Shush! My dads sleeping!" She yelled quietly and I pushed her onto the couch. "What do you think your doing?" She smirked and I kissed her jaw.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I made her straddle me. "I love you.. I really do.." I whispered and she panted quietly. "I lo-ove you too.."

"Don't do anything when we're there okay?.. My dad will definitely find out quickly.." She warned and I rolled my eyes. "But I can't control myself when I'm with you..~" I brushed my hands around her thighs.

"E-Ev! Don't. If you want to show a good impression, control yourself if you love me.. I promise you'll have all of me by the time we return back~." She purred and I covered her mouth.

"Well, we haven't left yet..~" y/n backed up but I pulled her by the legs. "No! EV.." She pointed at the door and I looked there. Should I..? Hm... I lifted her legs up and tore her underwear off with my teeth.

"Really?" She groaned and I laughed. I gave her a lick and she threw her head back. "Oh fu..!~" she bit her lips and mewled. I pushed a finger in and she moaned. "Shh.. Dont wanna wake your dad up do you princess?~"

".. Yes..daddy..~" she barely whispered and I went faster. Using both my mouth and my finger. She was already close, I felt It. "I'm gonna c-~!" She threw the pillows over her face and gripped onto the couch.

She smiled and gave a laugh. "I love you, asshole."

"Love you too, loser." She scoffed and kissed me. "Your the Loser." She rolled her eyes.

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