Jessica May.

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I didn't talk to Tony like I wanted too. He was still working on the Ultron project, Sokovia was behind him, they succeeded in their mission. I understood he only had 3 days with the scepter but I had no idea how much time till my 'visions' came true. I talked to Nat yesterday and she reminded me of the training sessions I had after school with the shield agent, Jessica May. I was being picked up at 4 from the apartment by a driver, and brought back at 7.

The school day seemed to drag on. Up until now, school was going smoothly but now all I could think about what could possibly trigger the visions. I was becoming extremely anxious not having any answers. I sat in science next to Colin tapping my foot and watching the clock while Mr. Riads voice droned on in the background.

"You alright?" He touched my shoulder.

I jumped as I was pulled out of my trance.

"Oh, um yea."

The bell rang and I was the first one out the door.

"Wait up!" Colin shouted after me. I stopped allowing him to catch up before continuing to speed walk towards the stairs.

"What's up with you?" He questioned.

"Nothing, just excited to go home is all." I came up with a lie on spot.

"Mhm... You know you've been acting really strange lately. First, you came in a month late, the van picking you up, being absent just days after you started school. What are you hiding?" He stopped walking and turned towards me.

"Colin you're being ridiculous! I was sick! And I already told you why that van picked me up, seriously." I scoffed and continued down the hall. I said goodbye to the rest of the group and walked back to the apartment.

Now they were suspicious, add that to the pile of things I need to worry about.

When I got home I did my homework and had lunch with Lorenzo and Rosa. I then changed and got ready for training. When it was finally 4 the buzzer went off and I said goodbye to Lorenzo and Rosa. when I got to the ground floor there was a black SUV waiting.

"Astrid?" The driver asked.

"Yea." He opened the door for me, I sat inside and he came around and drove in silence to the base I assumed.

When we got there he rolled down his window and showed an ID to the guard, then dropped me off at the lobby.

I walked in and A woman looked up from her phone. She came up to me.

"You're Astrid correct?" she asked.

"Yes, you must be Jessica." I held out my hand and she firmly shook it.

"Nice to meet you. Follow me." she lead me down halls and we finally came to a stop outside a changing room.

"You can get changed in there then meet me in the gym." she pushed the door open and went through the opposite one which connected to the gym. I quickly changed into athletic leggings and a baggy t-shirt which I tied up. I grabbed my water bottle and went through the same door Jessica went through. It opened up into a large empty gym, the whole floor was a training mat split into its own separate sections. There were many boxing bags and weights. I spotted Jessica tying her shoes on a bench. She got up and motioned for me to join her.

"We're going to start off with some startup workouts then I'll see what you can do and we'll go from there. I'll go easy on you today." She assigned me to jog around the facility 10 times and 30 sit-ups.

When I had successfully completed that she stepped into the square boundary on the mat, I followed.

"Alright, try to dodge my blows, I'll go slow for now." She stepped back and began, her idea of slow was not what most people would consider as. I successfully dodged most but missed 1 or 2 which ended in small hits that had me stumbling back.

"Hey, you're pretty good for your first time!" She said while I was hunched over catching my breath.

"Thanks, I trained with Natasha once." I informed her.

"Ah, the legend herself." She chuckled and took a sip from her water bottle.

"Alright, now I want you to try some on me." She said once we were done our small break.

"O-okay." I hesitated, she was a shield agent in training and I was an underweight teen, I doubted I could do much damage. She easily dodged my punches and I was about to lose hope, she came and put her hands on my shoulders and slightly shook me.

"Astrid, you're doing great seriously, just try and hit in a place unexpected, try not to make your movements so obvious." She instructed. I followed her words, slumped my shoulders and hung my head low, I knew she was off guard so I struck.

I grabbed her arm then twisted it, and kicked her leg which caused her body to buckle and fall to the floor. I let go when she groaned.

"ARE YOU OKAY?! I'm so sorry!" I put my hand to my mouth and apologized.

"No, that was amazing!" she praised and slowly got to her feet.

"Didn't know you had that in you." she dusted off her clothes.

"Me either!" I said, proud of myself.

"I think that's enough for today. I'll call the driver while you go take a shower." she said.

I went into the change room and took a shower in the private bathroom attached. When I came out all changed and ready I found Jessica waiting in the lounge area.

"All ready?" I nodded and together we walked back to the lobby.

"I'll see you on Friday." She waved goodbye from the front steps while I sat inside the same SUV that brought me here. 

When I got back to the apartment I ate dinner with Rosa and Lorenzo then went to bed. While I was training I don't think I had any thoughts of the visions which was strange since it was the only thing on my mind nonstop, I had fun although I knew tomorrow I'd be sore. Roxy and Zoe snuggled up on my bed and I flopped down besides them, I was so exhausted from all the training, tonight sleep came easily. 

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