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"So I just have to do this?"

"Exactly like that, do you see the magic?"

El had been having a lesson with Wanda in her room. Wanda was just barely teacher her how to use the magic. El's color was a piercing blue, she had been expecting something dark like a raven color but apparently not. A month had gone by since El had left Queens and for some odd reason she felt happier here, knowing that there's other like her with powers or special skills.

"I did it!" El exclaims, watching herself form a small, piercing blue ball in her hand. Wanda smiled as she watched the young girl mess around with the small ball with her fingers. The two had got along better than they both expected. Since the Civil War, El thought she was always going to hate Wanda for the rest of her life. But now that she truly knows her, she looked up to her as an older sister. Wanda understood the pain that El had gone through. The two were very similar in a way, which is why they're so close.

"Good job." Wanda states. "Now try a psi-ball."

El nods her had, readying herself to form one.

You are the dancing queen.

The two froze as the song started going off.

Young and sweet, only seventeen

"What is that?" Wanda asks, looking around the room.

Dancing queen.

El groans, standing up from her spot on the bed. "It's my ringtone." She explains. "Someone is calling me." El grabs her phone, to see that it was Peter who was calling her. Her face immediately lit up at the sight of his contact picture. "It's Peter. I'll be right back."

Wanda rolls her eyes as the young girl quickly runs out of the room, answering the call. "Hey Pete." She chirped, smiling a bit.

"Hey El." Peter speaks. El furrowed her eyebrows together, there was something off by the ton of Peter's face. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, of course." She nods her head, knowing that he couldn't see it.

A long breath escapes from Peter as he gulps. "I think we should breakup." In that moment, El's heart had stopped beating. She felt as if her heart was being stepped on by a boot. "I lied, I can't handle this long distance it's just too hard." El stood silent, refusing to let Peter hear her cry over him. "Do you understand?"

El let out a breath, running a hand through her hair. "Y-Yeah. I understand" She lies.

"Okay great." Peter states. "I guess I'll talk to you later?"

El immediately shakes her head, wiping under her eyes. "No, don't bother." She replies coldly. "Look I've got to go, I'm working on my powers with Wanda. Bye." And before Peter could say bye as well, El immediately hung up, slowly sliding her phone back in her pocket. She runs another hand through her hair as she roughly bites her lip, trying not to cry. Wanda noticed her actions and stepped out of the room.

"El," She softly spoke. "Are you okay?" She watched as El nodded her head, not turning around. Wanda slowly makes her way towards the young girl, placing a hand upon her shoulder. She quickly turns her around, gasping at the sight of a little amount of tears that were sliding down her cheeks.

"Peter broke up with me." She shrugs her shoulder, as if she didn't care. "My heart was already broken, and he just made it worse."

Wanda sighs, gently placing her hands onto the crying girls shoulder."He doesn't deserve your heart if he's just going to hurt it like that."She explains, slightly rubbing El's shoulders, trying to comfort her. "Plus you don't need a boyfriend. They're overrated." El slightly smiles, wiping away the tears with the front of her hand.

"You're right." She nods her head, feeling more confident in herself. "I don't need a boyfriend at the moment anyways. I've got to work on powers without a distraction."

Wanda nods, proud of the young girl. "That's correct. Now let's go practice some more."

*a/n* wowza that's the end of this book. there's is a sequeal for this, it's called 'Back To You'. I already have the playlist out, but i'm gonna fix it and add a face claim for a new character. i dont have one for El because that's your guy's choice. i will be uploading a bonus chapter at the end of each book which is basically just Tom Holland and Snow Phillips (the actor who plays as El) do interviews with each other. but sadly not at the end of this chapter, because I can't fin a good interview that'd be easy for me to right out. but in the end of the next bool there will be. anways, thanks for reading this shitty written book and I promise that 'Back To You' will be written better since I'll be writing it in third person. gooooodddddbbyyyyeee.

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