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You sat in Auntie Drasana's chamber, happily talking and catching up with her. Bonnie was playing with a newborn Noivern and Bagon that Drasana decided to raise with her team. She missed having children to take care of so what's better than a child than a young Pokemon? But she was still glad to have you and Bonnie here.

"So, (name), any lucky men or women you have your eyes on?"

Drasana asked, humming nonchalantly. Of course she'd ask you that. Not too long ago she thought Bonnie was your daughter. Bonnie was still playing with the Pokémon. Good, you didn't want her hearing the question or else she'd just blurt out it was Siebokd and that wouldn't rwally be good for anybody. Auntie Drasana would probably just think you were using her to get to him! That simply wasn't the case!

"Well, maybe. But he's Way put of my league."

That was a good way to keep it vague. Hopefully she won't ask many more questions. Auntie Drasana was about to protest and praise you non-stop until she heard the chamber doors open. See, whenever the doors to the chamber open, a little noise like a chime rings through the room so Drasana can prepare. Drasana stood up and was about to walk over to her place to prepare for a battle when it was none other than Siebold standing there.

"Drasna, Wikstrom asked to to fetch you and-"

Siebold paused, seeing a little blonde girl running around with a Bagon trying to chase a Noivern around the chamber. Then he looked over and Saw Drasana standing up and another girl sitting on the couch. He met eyes with the girl and he watched her face flush red in an instant. He could feel his own cheeks heating up slightly. She was very beautiful. Her hair was soft and her eyes shined bright like a diamond. Thank you Rihanna for a perfect Simile. Siebold cleared his throat and focused on his fellow elite four once again.

"Well, he just asked me to send you his way. Who, may I ask, is this?"

He pointed to you, his voice slightly going higher when he referenced you. Meanwhile back in your corner you were freaking out. First off: he noticed you're presence. Secondly: he actually asked who you were as If he was interested. And thirdly: SIEBOLD WAS ACTUALLY STANDING HERE IN FRONT OF YOU!!! You felt like fainting righ then and there.

Meanwhile Bonnie stopped, the dragon type Pokémon continuing to play without her. Bonnie grew a wide smile and looked over a tree Miss Drasana, who simply giggled and grabbed your hand, forcing you to stand up. Drasana then looked back at Siebold so she could make the proper introduction.

"Siebold, this is my Neice. Her name is (name). Remember I used to talk about her all the time? Oh! You said Wickstrim needed me? I'll be right here. Be sure to entertain her while I'm away! Bonnie's, why don't you come with me dear?"

She knew. There was no explanation. She must have known. You never should have left to go to the bathroom! Bonnie must have told her!

"Coming Miss Drasana! Come on Bagon, Noivern!"

Bonnie dictated the other dragon type Pokémon with her out of the chamber. The door closed behind them and the chimes could be heard again throughout the chamber. Your heart was practically ready to hop out of your chest. Your face was scalding hot. You were alone with Siebold. Was this a dream? Who knows, maybe this could be a flashback to dreaming about Siebold in chapter two. Yes, I have the right to break the fourth wall. If you haven't noticed a fourth wall break before this I'm honestly surprised at you.

"Uh, hello. I'm, well, my name is-"

Dangit! You can't seem to get any words out on your own! Darn your stupid stuttering! Back in Siebold's corner he was also sort of freaking out internally. He too was feeling very awkward about the situation Drasana had just forced him into. He was still trying to process how he was now stuck in the chamber with a very cute girl. He decided to cut your stammering off before it got too painful.

"(Name), yes? It's a rather beautiful name. I quite enjoy it."

You're heart fluttered in your chest. Siebold walked around and sat on the couch. Yes, there was a couch in the chamber. There's a passageway thst sure open for the elite four and a passageway for challengers. This was a part of the the chamber where challengers had no acess to. You Satan on the couch next to him. There was an awkward silence before Semipour decided he had enough and popped out of his pokeball on his own. Siebold rose an eyebrow as the water type Pokémon came out and waved. He glanced at you to see you were panicking. He chuckled softly to himself. That was kind of cute.

"Semipour!? What are you doing!? I thought you were taking a nap!"

Semipour shrugged and looked over at the blonde boy. So this was Siebold, huh? Well, he looks the part. But you can't judge a book by its cover. He will decide if he is worthy of you, his trainer, or not. Semipour held out his hand so Siebold can shake it. This was a big part of it because it shows if he sees Pokémon as slaves or equals. Luckily, Siebold was the latter and he shook Semipour's hand.

"Hello Semipour. I'm Siebold. It's a pleasure." 

You blinked in surprise. You didn't expect that to happen. Semipour glanced at you and gave you a thumbs up of approval. Your face flushed red in a flash yet again. Then you're gaze moved from him to Siebold, who had a resting small smile on his face instead of the scowl-like frown he is often seen in photo shoots.

"Is he your partner? You two seem to be a good match."

Semipour walked around and sat next to you on the couch. Semipour held your hand. Before your responded to him you looked over at your hand to make sure it was in fact Semipour holding it. Then you just smiled warmly, calming down. Yeah, that's what you need to do right now. Be calm like the water. Your eyes connected one more time for this oneshot.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

Crushing Hard [Siebold x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt