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"Come on (name)! I wanna meet your Aunt Drasana!"

Bonnie cheered, running out of the Pokémon center. After a long flight and surf on the backs of two of your lovely Pokémon you decided they deserved a rest. Meanwhile Bonnie was just being restless and anxious to meet Auntie Drasna and your crush Siebold. Maybe bringing Bonnie wasn't exactly the best idea for you...

"Hurry Up lets go! I don't want to have to drag you by the hand like I do my brother!"

You sighed. She really was excited to meet Autnie Drasana. You held out your hand, knowing she was going to want to holds it anyways. Bonnie took it with a huff and began running. Good thing you knew her well enough to know she was going to book it the instant she took it. You ran with her intil you got to the big double doors that lead to the Pokémon League. You take a sharp inhale and look down at Bonnie.

"Hey, uh, BobBon? You have to promise me something, okay?"

Bonnie looked up at you with her striking blue eyes. She had that confused look on her face. You were holding Your breath, the nervousness getting to you. You haven't seen Auntie Drasana in such a long time. How was she going to react to seeing you? Would she hate you? Would she be disappointed in your job? Your team for not having enough dragon types? You were just so neverous it was hard to handle yourself. You just needed some reassurance before you enter in and go straight to Auntie Drasana's chamber.

"Promise me that you will be yourself, okay? And be there for me."

Bonnie just smiled and gave you a big thumbs up with the hand that wasn't holding your own. No words were needed. You took your sharp inhale again before opening the first set of doors. This wasn't even the hardest part yet. Why were you so nervous!? Bonnie looked at you with concern. Wow, was it really this nerve wrecking to visit a memebr of your family. Bonnie huffed Andy let go of your hand, skipping forward to open the second door. The door to Drasana's chamber. She knew it was hers because you told her which one was hers.

"Come on! I'm sure she'll love to see you!"

You froze. You really didn't want to enter the room. You were scared to see eye what would happen. You just stood there. It must have been a long time for Bonnie to hold the door open because a shilouette was walking out of the room. The middle aged woman walked out and looked to see you. She froze too. You chuckled nervously and did an awkward wave.

"Hello Auntie..."

Auntie Drasana broke out in a wide smile and rushed over to hug you. She had so much momentum she almost knocked you over. Bonnie closed the door with a smug look on her face. She put her hands on her hips. She knew everything was going to be just fine for you.

"Sweetheart! Oh baby girl it's been so long! How long has it been? Eight years? Goodness me you've grown! You're such a beautiful woman! Is that your daughter? Isn't she just precious! What's her name? Oh darling I missed you!"

Drasana was rambling and crying happy tears. She was holding you close. You kissed having hugs like this from Auntie. You know those hugs your mother would give you? That's the kind of hug but better you get from Auntie Drasana. Now you had a task, to try and answer all of this woman's questions and catch up. Starting with Bonnie.

"Oh, she's not my daughter. Still single. Her name is Bonnie and she's Clemont's little sister. The electric type gym leader of Lumiouse City's sister. She wanted to come with me. I missed you too Auntie."

You sighed, eating your head on her shoulder. This sense of safety was just what you needed. It's  been almost a decade since you've had a good hug like this from Auntie Drasana. Bonnie was watching this whole thing with a big, warm smile. It was awesome to work arch family reunions go like this! They were so sweet and heartwarming! SHE ISNT CRYING, YOURE CRYING!!!  Drasana broke the hug and put her hands on her hips like the sassy woman she is.

"I thought you were going to give me grandkids!"

You laughed and wiped your eyes. You really were crying. 

"I'm not even your daughter Auntie!"

You giggled to yourself. Yep, same old Drasana.


Drasana had her share of laughing with you and turned to Bonnie, who relaxed her hands and had her arms ar her sides. Drasna walked up to her and crouched down to get to her level. She always liked being st eye contact level with someone when she talked to them. Now you were so tall and grown she didn't need to lean over on her knees to talk to you!

"Bonnie, right? Oh you're such a dear! Have you been looking out for my little (name)? She can be very reckless."

You blushed. You've heard of Mom embarrassing you, you've heard of grandma embarrassing you, but now Auntie Drasana: the dragon type elite four was embarrassing you in front of a seven year old girl. Yeah, this was a new alltime low for you. Bonnie just grined and snickered about you. Not fun. You really shouldn't have brought Bonnie after all.

"Yeah, very reckless! One time she had an order from a client to make a prom dress in one night! It's impossible and she didint have a design or any fabric! She took the job anyways and we caught her at five in the morning with seven empty mugs of coffee still trying to get some rhinestones on the collar! And she hates coffee!"

Drasna giggled at the story, then stood up. Prom Dress? Client? You were a fashion designer? She stood up and walked over to you. You felt ashamed. Auntie Drasana was always a woman for battling. You thought she would be upset if you weren't a full time battler. Much less if you took up jobs for clothing, tailoring, painting, and everything art related. You looked down, refusing to meet her eyes. Then she put her hand on your shoulder and you looked up to meet them.

"(Name), I am so proud of you. You have a job, you have good friends, and you're doing what you love! All you need is a good husband and you have everything you need! I am so happy for you!"

Drasana took you into another hug. You had your eyes wide in surprise. She wasn't disappointed in you because you weren't trying to replace her as an elite four? You smiled And hugged her tight again, letting another tear fall. Why were you so nervous!? Auntie Drasana is the best woman in the entire world.

You looked and saw Bonnie giving you a thumbs up. Yeah, you were so grateful you brought her with you.

Crushing Hard [Siebold x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now