part ten

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t h i r d     p e r s o n      p o v

Troubled and angry, Rick didn't know what to do. After being persuaded and practically blackmailed into having a few drinks with (y/n), Rick was lost for words. Never, has anyone been successful in changing Rick's mind or being persuaded.

Rick kept checking her pulse repeatedly, listening to her heart beat and checking her breathing. Still lifeless. Rick could feel the beeds of sweat fall from his hairline and the feeling of panic in his stomach grow further.

"Oh come on." Rick growled.

Moments after shaking (y/n) for a few minutes, her chest was lifting and her heart was beginning to beat at a normal pace. Rick let out a sigh of relief. Not knowing what to do with the corpse in his arms, he shot a portal at the wall and walked through it into (y/n)'s motel room. Rick lay her on the bed and sat in the corner of the room, taking brisk sips of the alcohol in his cold silver flask.

Hours passed, and needless to say, Rick was beginning to get bored and a little drunk. While Rick was half asleep in the armchair in the corner, he noticed the flash on her head again. It was flashing quicker and quicker whenever Rick got close to (y/n)'s head. It was on her temple, close to her eyebrow. Rick began to ponder about what this could be, and no logical answers could be detected. Either way, (y/n) is definitely an astonishing person.

r e a d e r s p o v

I remember blacking out in the bar, but where I was now was a mystery, until I wake up. I was dreaming, it wasn't a dream, it was a memory. The memory of the night I stripped away from my British life and all my memories, my friends, my family, my boyfriend. I shot up, remembering the animalistic creature that yanked me from the club that fatal night.

"You were out for a while." Rick explained, making me jump from the sudden noise.

"Wha- how long was I out?" I asked, turning my head to face him.

"Hours, I got too bored to keep count, but I'd say about three to four hours." Rick explained to me again, but staring at my hairline.

My eyebrow raised at his stare, he did notice this but didn't ask any questions. Making me paranoid, I run to the bathroom and stare at where he was. Nothing. What was he staring at? All I could see was the same old transparent skin and grey hair.

"Rick?" I questioned, walking out of the bathroom.

His unibrow raised at me.

"What were you staring at?" I asked, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

"Oh, you don't know?" Rick asked, shocked at my question.

I shook my head and began to wonder over to the front door of the room and pull out a cigarette and light the end of it. I heard Rick stand up from behind me and walk over to me. He pushed past me and leant on the banister outside my room and stare at the stick of tobacco in between my fingers.

"Get over it." I snapped. "So, what were you staring at?"

Rick rolled his eyes and stood up straight, grabbing my cigarette and throwing it on the floor, crushing it under his foot.

"Dude, what the fuck?" I shout, gesturing towards the floor.

"Nope," Rick said, with a smirk crossing his lips. "I'm out here trying to help you and you're just making it harder for me you spazz." He purred at me, the same smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm not a spazz!" I spat and stood up straight out of anger.

Rick stepped towards me and tucked some of my (y/h/c) behind my ears. "Big dreams hey (y/n)?"

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