part four

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"Rick!" Morty shouted, pulling at his hair.

"Calm down, Morty. She's just fainted again." I explained, picking her up and holding her bridal style. "Are your parents home?" I asked him, straightening my back.

Morty shook is head. "No, my dad doesn't live here anymore and Summer and Mom are out."

I walked past Morty into the living room and lay her cold body on the sofa, waiting for her to wake up. She fascinated me. I kept looking closely at the flash on her head. It only flashes when she's fainted, and the flash becomes brighter and more frequent when someone is close to her. I shouted Morty and told him to go near her and it flashed frequently again. I have no explanation for this, this is something out if the ordinary.

"W-what? Why is her head flashing, Rick?" Morty asked, backing away and sitting on the arm of the chair I was sat in.

"Gee, I don't know Morty, I'm seeing the same thing as you." I said, rest my elbows on my lap and leaning forward. "All I know, is that she has stage two lung and chest cancer."

"Th-th-that's insane, Rick!" Morty shouted, turning to face me.

I shrugged, not caring. Half an hour passed and I was sat in my garage, staring into thin air, waiting for (y/n) to wake up. I sighed loudly, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I pulled my flask out of my lab coat and gluped it down. A few moments later I heard Morty mumbling to, who I can only assume is (y/n).

I stood up and dragged myself to the living room to see Morty helping (y/n) sit up right and sitting close next to her. I sat on a chair and just stared at her in fascination. When she's awake her head doesn't flash.

"Are you, uh okay?" Morty asked, sitting down.

"I uh, I guess so? Where am I? And who are you guys?" She asked, turning to face me.

"Well you've met me, I'm Rick, you got scared of me when you figured out I'm the one who killed a lot of (burp) Gagablags. And this is my g(burp)randson Morty Smith." I explained gesturing to Morty.

I noticed the same fear in her eyes when I told her I killed the Gagablags, but it soon vanished when I gave her a tiny comforting smile.

"Okay, hi hello but, this doesn't fully explain why I fainted though?" (y/n) asked, well questioned.

I giggled a little. "Did you not know you have cancer?"

"No, I do."

"You fainted because of the cancer. The pains of the cancer is over working and tiring your body, forcing you too p(burp)ass out." I explained.

She nodded and looked down at her hands in what I can only assume was sadness. I heard a car pull up at the driveway and I ran to the front door, swinging it open and running towards Summer and grabbed her shoulders.

"Summer, th-the-there's someone here, she passed out on a different planet and Morty made me take her h-home. She's in the living room with Morty, tell them both to go to my garage, now." I told her rapidly and she ran inside, hopefully doing what I told her to.

"Dad?" Beth asked.

I turned around and saw Beth holding a few shopping bags. I pulled a fake smile and walked to her hesitantly. 

"Hi sweetie!" I exclaimed. 

"Why did you run out and why did Summer run in?" Beth asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Oh, I don't know, h-how are you?" I asked.

r e a d e r   p o v

I was rushed into the garage I woke up in by an averaged height teenager with bright orange hair, white pants and a bright pink shirt. She hushed me and Morty into Rick's garage and told us both to stay there until Rick tells us to do something. We weren't waiting long until we saw the same orange haired girl bust through the door and sit on the floor with us. 

"Anyway, I'm Summer. Who are you?" Summer asked, crossing her legs and sitting to face me and Morty. 

"(y/n)." I said, putting a somewhat fake smile on my face.

"Oh. My. God. You're  British! That's so awesome!" Summer said excitedly. 

I just plastered on another fake smile and looked down at my stick thin arms. Summer went on to talk about her high school and this boy she likes as me and Morty just nodded as though we actually cared. Another half an hour passed and Rick came in to the garage, slamming the door shut and locking it. 

"C-c-can (y/n) come out of the garage? And y-you know, eat  something? How long as it been since  you've eaten?" Morty asked, standing up and looking down at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know. I've done nothing but drink for the past few years, so not a lot? I ate whatever I could find or afford."

Summer, Morty and even Rick looked at me alarmingly. 

"We better tell B(burp)eth you're here then." Rick sighed, rolling his eyes. 

"I-I can stay in here, I don't need to eat. Have you got any vodka? Or Scotch whiskey?" I asked, struggling to my feet.

Rick sighed and handed me his flask, which I could only guess was filled with something. I gulped it all down and threw the silver flask back at Rick. He caught it and threw it behind him. Morty and Summer watching in amazement at me and Rick. I looked down out of embarrassment and waited for someone to break the awkward silence that had bloomed. 

"So, now what?" Summer asked, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I mean, Beth won't care you're here and Jerry doesn't live here anymore. But I bring so much r(burp)andom crap home, I don't think she'd be appreciative of an  unexpected guest." Rick explained instantly. 

"Just go have dinner, I'll go for a walk, I need to clear my head." I snapped, walking out  of the now open garage door.   

I didn't look back, I just walked. No money, starving, freezing cold, slowly dying from the cursed cancer clogging up my lungs. It's really amazing what one alien experiment can do to you.

I came to a shopping centre, or a stip mall and sat down sighed defeatedly. Where do I live? How do I survive? I haven't got any qualifacations, how will I manage to live? Not that I had a life on dimension 17F, but it was much easier to do stuff there, earth is a lot more different.

After a few hours passed I looked up from my knees and saw Rick in his, car? Well, it was quite clearly a spaceship.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying my best to rise to my feet as quickly as possible.

"For you to come back with me." Rick said, getting out of the ship and walking towards me.

"Why though? All you want me for is your own experimentations so you can sell the cure for your own benefit. Also, Beth was it? She won't be happy at unexpected guests." I said, folding my arms harshly.

Ricks sky blue unibrow tilted up at one side. "I don't share my cures or experiments with anyone, besides the ones I'm curing or killing or whatever. Do you r(burp)eally want to die? Or sit in pain anymore? Or do you want my fucking help. I help literally no one, so take that how you will, but I'd take it as a once in a life time oppertunity, kid." Rick snapped, stomping over to me and glaring down at me.

I decided not to break my sterness. "Really? All you want is my fucking disease so you boast yourself?" I snapped back. "I've been, in a sense, cursed with this oh so beautiful disease and no matter how hard you try you can't cure, so what's the point in trying, Rick?"

"Okay, listen," Rick said, kneeling down on one knee and placing his hand on my shoulder. "Do you want my help? As of right now y(burp)ou're an emotional mess because of the cancer, and I literally just want you t-to be okay, which is also a first for me. So what do you say?" Rick said, suspiciously sweetly and kindly.

A few tears fell from my (y/e/c) eyes and without thinking, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his torso. Rick unexpectedly wrapped his long arms around my torso too, Rick does not seem like the hugging or even affectionate type.

I just needed someone, and I have no one.

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