Massie jumped over him and tackled him while Noah charged at his hind legs, causing him to lose balance and plummet to the floor. What Massie hadn't accounted for, was the dirt that now layered over her clothes. "Eww! You're still dirty!" She screeched, watching a brown stain mar her shirt. He was so lucky this shirt was not one of her favorites!

"Under the soap with you!" She ordered, ushering him forward.

Jordan galloped to where his brother was, who now looked like a bubbling massive poodle rather than a wolf. He was only suppose to stand under the soapy hose for a large splash, much like James did, but it seemed Jayden enjoyed the soapy water for reasons unknown to her. Noticing Noah was calmly laying down on the grass, she began to push him there too.

"Don't think you're exempt from a wash. You need it too."

Noah's wolf yawned. After further prompting he then stood...only to then drop again and bare his teeth in what she knew to be a trickster smile. He laid down on the grass belly up and howled. Massie knowingly ruffled his belly, to which his tongue lapped out and she knew he was enjoying it. His wolf was much different than Sebastian's. Whenever she caressed Cinnamon, he did not make expressions of pure joy like this.

"Noah, get under the soap water or I will leave you as dirty as you are." Sebastian warned. He moved to brush Jordan as James galloped to the clear water. Jayden still refused to move from the soapy hose.

"I'll help!" Massie offered. Beside Sebastian she noticed an extra brush, but before she could grab it he took it out of her reach.

"You will not."

"But I only want to help!"

"And I said no." His tone was laced with finality and Massie pouted.

Why was he being so complicated? If she helped he would finish much faster. He finished Jayden and called over Noah, and in similar fashion motioned for Jayden, who looked reluctant to leave his bubbling bliss.

"Why do you wash all the wolves?"

"Because as one of the chief trainers it is my duty to make sure my men are well taken care of," he said seriously, looking very much the devoted trainer. Since Jayden had been under the hose for so long, he was the fastest to finish, but judging by the soap on his fur it would take a whole lot of water rinse it out.

"And who does you?"

Sebastian nodded at Jayden, who was idly under the water hose with an expression of pure boredom. She almost laughed at how comical he looked now that he couldn't be under his soapy heaven. Before Sebastian could see her intentions, Massie grabbed the brush in his hand hid it behind her.

"I'll brush you."

Sebastian regarded her silently, making no move to take the brush away from her. Then, to her surprise, he transformed without making an argument. He barked something at Jayden, who merely nodded his head beneath the cascading water. After making a stop under the soapy hose, he made his way to her, his strong legs moving gracefully with the stealth and strength of a predator.

"My sweet Cinnamon, how I've missed you!" Massie cooed. She rubbed her nose with his and he emitted a low reverberating growl.

Noah and Jordan, who were now in human form, laughed loudly beneath the spitting hoses.

"Cinnamon? What is he a cereal box now?" Noah cracked, his boisterous laughter reaching her.

"Oh no, wait, maybe he's a pastry!" Jordan continued, and then the duo slapped hands as if it were the funniest thing.

The purple-eyed beauty giggled, finding their comments rather entertaining. Cinnamon regarded her darkly, as though he very much regretted letting her wash him. She placed her hands on her hips. "Don't give me that! You never minded me calling you that before, now that Jordan and Noah and being imbeciles you have a problem?"

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