Black Lace and the Rooftop

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Skylar was starting to get nervous, it had been a few weeks since her date with Brian. The next morning when he had dropped her back off to her apartment was the last time they had spoke. The texts had stopped, the glances they would steal while on set stopped, it was almost like she didn't exist to him anymore. They had such a nice dinner and she had opened up to him like she had never opened up to any other person. She was starting to think she had freaked him out but he seemed so supportive and into everything she was saying. Things were just not adding up and finally after so many days of the silent treatment she decided today was the day she was going to be getting some answers.

Walking onto set that morning her heart was racing so fast. Like every morning she checked her phone immediately to see if today would be the day that he texted her but of course it wasn't. Today the guys were doing a couple different challenges in a grocery store. Like always she was to report there early in the morning to help set up long before the Jokers were set to arrive. Few hours later she noticed Murray walking by so she knew it wouldn't be long before she saw Brian.

"Hey honey, how ya doing today?" A voice startled her from behind. It was Sal.

"Hey Sal. Going good." She answered with a fake smile.

"You coming to the party tomorrow night?" Sal asked.

"Oh I'm not sure, Cha had mentioned that I was invited but I'd feel a little weird there since I haven't been here long." She answered.

"That's crazy, you're more than expected there. You're a big part of this crew just as much as anyone else. You better come!" Sal responded.

Skylar laughed, "Okay okay!" She answered. "My night class gets out at 8:30 so I might be a little late." Every year the Jokers have a big dinner for their crew as a thank you for all their hard work. Skylar was invited but felt it wasn't her place to go since she was only an intern, plus with Brian acting so distant she wasn't sure if he would even want her there.

Joe came up pulling Skylar into a hug, "You okay?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"Bessy called you a bunch of times and you haven't gotten back to her. She's worried, we both are." He said.

Skylar rolled her eyes, "I'm fine Joe. I work two jobs and go to school, I get busy!" She snapped.

"Woah!" Joe exclaimed putting his hands up, "No need to get so defensive, we're just looking out for you. You know Bes loves you, she's gonna worry."

Skylar sighed, "I'm sorry, I know you guys worry about me but honestly I'm fine. Been on my own long enough. Guess I've just been in a bad mood lately and keeping to myself."

"Careful, now you're starting to sound like Q." Joe laughed but was all too serious.

"He still in a pissy mood?" Sal interrupted.

"Oh yeah." Joe answered with his own sigh, "He just got here and is as grumpy as ever."

"Why is he so upset?" Skylar couldn't help but interrupt.

"Who knows, I keep meaning to talk to him but he's been so short tempered for like 2 weeks." Sal answered.

"Pete wants to go over all the cameras now so we should go." Joe answered. He then turned to Skylar, "I know you have a lot going on but please call Bessy, put her mind at ease."

"I will, I promise." She answered.

Skylar was doing final preps when she was called over by one of the crew members, "Think you can help with audio today? Someone called out so we're down a person."

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