Come Here Often?

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Skylar barely slept when she got home. The images of what happened kept her up. She knew it shouldn't have happened, she figured it was something that Q wanted to get out of his system and they would probably never address again. But why was part of her hoping they would do it again?

Skylar arrived on set early to help production set up. The Jokers weren't set to arrive for another hour but her heart wouldn't stop racing. It was evident that Q had a good time last night but she didn't know how he was going to act today. She put it out of her mind as best she could and did the job she was assigned to do.

Everything was set, cameras were in place and from what she heard the Jokers had arrived and were being escorted around the store and shown where the cameras were. She hadn't seen them yet but she found herself taking a couple deep breaths to calm her nerves. It was days like this she wished she could be Lacey all the time, Lacey never got nervous. However it was Lacey that was the reason for all this stress to begin with.

Skylar was standing off the side sorting through release forms. Sometimes people were in such a rush that they didn't want to wait for the release forms to be filled out so Skylar was instructed to fill everything out and put them in folders so that all people would have to do was sign quickly and be on their way.

Her back was turned but she felt him. She knew someone was watching her and it wasn't hard to figure out who. His deep voice lowered to a whisper as he came up from behind her, "I still can't get your sweet taste out of my mouth."

Skylar's entire body went hot. She quickly looked around to make sure that no one was close enough to overhear. "Relax, everyone's doing final prep. I gotta get back too but I just had to tell you how hot last night was."

Skylar didn't speak, she just responded with a sexy smile before looking back at her task. Q being Q decided to push it a little further, "And judging by how wet you were last night..." He then leaned in very close so she could feel his breath against her face, "and probably are now...I say we do it again very soon."

Skylar swore she stopped breathing at his comment. She squeezed her legs together tightly trying to ease the fire that was growing inside of her. Q laughed softly so he wouldn't draw attention to them, "I'm right aren't are? Your pussy wet baby?"

She knew she must have been blushing because she couldn't remember the last time she felt so hot, "Q, listen..." she whispered taking another quick look around, "We can't do this here. I'm here to do a job and quite frankly so are you. Plus I can't have anyone overhear us, what if it got back to Joe. And lastly, you wanna be talking to Lacey about that, and you'll never see her here."

"You're right, I'll leave you to what you were doing." Q said taking a step back, as much as he wanted to just pull her pants down and jam his tongue into her pussy making her scream like last night, he knew he couldn't. Plus she had a point, if Joe found out he would kill him. Q went to leave but turned around again, "But like I've said before, last night was not all Lacey, I saw what a bad girl Skylar can be too."

Skylar couldn't contain her smile. She bit her lower lip and stopped Q in his tracks. Pretending to grab something behind him on the table she looked up at him with the same look she had last night, "Just so you know, you were right...I am dripping wet." She then went back to her paperwork, "Good luck with the challenge today!" She said loudly so people could hear that last part.

Q smiled and shook his head as he walked away back to the monitors so they could begin filming. One thing was for sure, this girl was very very bad and he wasn't even close to being done.

Skylar was sitting in the library trying to get all her homework done for the week. She hadn't worked in a couple days but would be at the club the next couple nights. Suddenly her phone vibrated signaling an incoming text. She was pretty surprised when she read it.

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