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Brian looked in the mirror and shrugged, he never liked what he saw but there was nothing he could do. After a short day of filming today he had the afternoon to get ready for his...date? He was guessing that's what to call tonight. Everything in his head was telling him this was a bad idea, that he shouldn't be taking Skylar out, not that fucking her brains out countless times and watching her on a stripper pole wasn't either, but he hadn't taken a woman out on a date in a very long time. And of course the first one in a while had to have severe times to Joe. So even though his head was telling him no, his heart was telling him something completely different. If Q was being honest with himself he was becoming a little too obsessed with this girl. When he wasn't around her he was constantly thinking about her and texting her. And when they were together on set he had to restrain himself with everything he had not to be too flirty in front of everyone. On one occasion, one of the new camera guys was coming onto her and Brian had to leave set for a few minutes and get some air so he didn't punch the guys lights out.

He grabbed his suit jacket and carried it out with him to the Jeep. Before pulling out of his driveway he got his phone out and sent a text to Skylar.

On my way beautiful.

At her apartment Skylar was going nuts putting the finishing touches on her makeup. Brian had texted saying he was on his way so she expected him very soon. She was having the same battle in her head that he was having. On more than one occasion today she almost texted him cancelling but just couldn't. Brian was pretty confident that the place he had in mind was somewhere no one would run into them so she just decided to trust him and see where the evening took them.

About 15 minutes later, Skylar was surprised by a knock at her door. She had told Brian to just text when he was outside and she would come down. Swinging open the door she almost melted when she laid eyes on him in a black suit with a white shirt underneath. In typical bad boy fashion, he wasn't wearing a tie and she couldn't help but lick her lips at his chest hair peeking out from the top. "You didn't have to come up, I told you I'd come down."

"What kind of date would I be if I didn't pick you up at your door." He laughed. Brian took a second to look her over, she was wearing a lacy long black dress. It had a high slit going up one side and he was nearly drooling over her cleavage that was exposed. "God do you look amazing." He smiled.

Skylar couldn't help but giggle, and not like a flirty annoying girl giggle but an actually blushing real giggle. She stayed up so late fantasizing about this man and would always replay the way he worked her body over and over in her mind. "Ready to get going?" He asked taking her hand.

Skylar noticed they were heading out of the city and hooking onto the interstate. She started seeing signs for New Jersey but decided she wanted to be surprised and didn't ask any questions. As Q drove the conversation between them flowed so easily. They talked about Q's fire department days and Skylar opened up more about the day her parents had passed away. It wasn't normal first date talk but they two had known each other for a number of months now and felt so comfortable talking about everything under the sun.

Skylar felt the Jeep pull over and noticed they had stopped in front of a pizza shop. She glanced at him pretty confused, "This better be some kick ass pizza."

Brian threw his head back against the seat as he laughed, "I'm not that much of a scumbag, I just needed to stop for a quick detour." He then pointed across the street to a comic book store. "Friend of mine owns this place and I left some recording equipment here the other day that I need." He explained.

"Oh, okay!" She laughed, "Go ahead, I'll wait here."

"You can come in." He responded surprising her.

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