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Peridot's POV

Peridot put down her controller and turned off her PS4, heading downstairs. She rummaged around in the kitchen cabinet before grabbing a bag of Doritos and her phone.

She was about to head back upstairs to her room when she remembered how hot it was up their while she was playing on her PS4 since the air conditioner broke and her window was stuck. She decided to stay downstairs and open a few windows instead.

After opening the windows she took her snack and phone to the sofa and opened tumblr on her phone. After a few minutes of scrolling through some of the Camp Pining Hearts fandom she heard screaming coming from outside.

"Because dad, I-I... I love her, okay?!" She heard. Is that... Lapis?! Lapis LOVES me?! Her heart fluttered for a moment before hearing another man yelling at Lapis, but didn't bother listening to him. Peridot ran as fast as she could to Lapis. Lapis saw her and turned around, running to her as well. Though as soon as she bolted away from what Peridot was guessing was her father, he grabbed a nearby branch and stuck her on top of the head with it, knocking her out cold.

Peridot grew extremely angry. Before her brain could process what she was doing, she ran faster than she thought she could, darting towards Mr. Lazuli. The impact of the two bodies colliding threw him off guard and knocked him off his feet onto his back on the grass with Peridot on top of him.

She punched him clean across the face. "That's for being a huge jerk!" She yelled.

She punched him again. "That's for having this stupid rivalry!" She shouted again.

She threw her final punch, much harder than the last two. "And THAT'S for messing with the love of my LIFE!!"

Mr. Lazuli's nose was crooked and bleeding, most definitely broken. He had a black eye, and even his front tooth was slightly chipped.

Peridot slowly got off him. She walked over to Lapis, picking her up bridal style and carrying her back into Peridots house, putting her on the sofa and going to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer. She saw Lapis with her eyes open, a small smile forming on her lips. She returned the smile and sat down next to her on the sofa, handing her the ice pack which she took and placed on her head, wincing a bit at the pain.

They both sat there together in silence for a couple minutes. Lapis signed. "I'm the love of your life?" "You love me?" They said at the same time. They both blushed. "You heard me say that?!" They said in unison again, and both laughed.

Peridot looked into Lapis' eyes. Her beautiful, deep blue eyes. She then saw Lapis lean in, and Peridot did the same. Their lips connected, kissing each other passionately. It was all you could ever want from a kiss. Lapis' lips were so soft, moving in sync with Peridot's. It was perfect. After a moment Peridot broke the kiss, blushing furiously.

The two sat there for a moment, until Peridot got an idea. "L-lapis," She cursed herself for stuttering.

"Yes, Peri~?" Lapis asked, and slight smile tugging on the corner of her lips.

Peridot took a deep breath. "Will you go out with me?..." She asked shyly, scared of being rejected.

Lapis small smile grew into a huge beam. "Of course!" She almost shouted, grabbing Peridot and squeezing her in a huge bear hug.

"Great...," Peridot managed to squeak out, Lapis hugging her so tight. Lapis realized how hard she was hugging Peri and released her grip a little bit, but not fully. They stayed like this for a couple minutes, just enjoying each other's warmth and company.

After a minute Lapis let go of her girlfriend. Then she have realized something.

"Oh no!" She said. "What are we gonna do about my dad?! He's gonna kill me!" Peridot had completely forgotten about Mr. Lazuli. He had probably gotten up and gone home by now, or even to the hospital to get help with his nose.

After a few minutes of debate they just decided there was nothing they could really do. Peridot's parents would be home from work soon, so Lapis couldn't stay at her house. Lapis suggested Peri staying at her house but her dad would eventually come home so Peridot couldn't say there. They just decided to stay at Peridot's house until her parents got home, in about an hour. Until then they were going to watch the new episodes of Camp Pining Heart, snuggling together on the couch.

Though after a little while they lost track of time, and it wen they realized what time it was it was too late. They heard the front door open and both Mr. and Mrs. Green's gasps as they saw their daughter snuggling with Lapis Lazuli.

A/N: I promise this is gonna get good. And I'm still sticking to some of the things that happen in Romeo and Juliet. I know it's a little different but...

Thank you guys so much for reading and voting too!

Longest chapter yet. 830 words!

Apples and Oranges - A Lapidot Fanfic *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now