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Namjoon doesn't remember the last time he had been nice to him.
He doesn't even remember the reason why he fell in love with him.
It hadn't always been like that.
In the beginning of their relationship, he used to treat him like a king, like his king, his ray of sunshine.

He still remember how it all started

He was just starting college and he was pretty lost. Lost like a kid who left his cosy life in his little native town to study in the biggest university of South Korea.
He was trying to find some informations about any formalities that he would have to go through to complete his registration when he accidentally bumped into someone.
As clumsy as he is, he should have not been surprised but his biggest fear was the fact that the person he collided with might not be very comprehensive about his status.
Namjoon was an omega
A male omega to add with
Omegas represented only 15% of the population and male omegas represented even less than 5%.
Others subgenders tended to avoid and despise them because they were described as sluts in general and most of them were working in brothels or throwing themselves at anyone wanting and willing to satisfy their needs.
But Namjoon wasn't like that. He just wanted to study, to learn new things and be able to be completely independent despite his subgender.

Since he presented as an omega, his parents have always made sure that he stays completely focused on education.
They didn't want him to build himself on the base of what his subgender was. They wanted him to be as independent as possible.
Namjoon was grateful to how his parents handled his education otherwise he wouldn't have been able to enter such a prestigious university.

Coming back to the initial situation, Namjoon fell on his butt but promptly tried to stand up and apologize to whoever he knocked over.

- I'm so sorry, I should have watched where I was going. I'm so clumsy at times. He said to the stranger.
-It's OK, don't apologize. You might be new and I understand that you might have been pretty lost.  Do you need help with anything? A deep voice replied to Namjoon.
Namjoon looked at the person talking to him and he felt like his breath was taken away.
- I'm Min Yonguk by the way,  nice to meet such a pretty little head.
Namjoon was trying to find his words not to stutter in front of such a handsome male.
Namjoon caught a little of his scent and deducted that he might be an Alpha.
The handsome man had a strong smell of pine and dark coffee.  A strong smell that might belong to an alpha only.
Namjoon himself,  since he was an omega smelled sweet.  Most of his friends and family told him that he smelled like peaches and cream.
Namjoon lost in his thoughts didn't even notice that Yonguk was sniffing in the air and caught his delicious scent.
- You're an omega, a male omega  Yonguk said kind of surprised
You're not supposed to walk alone there it might be dangerous you know.
Namjoon  who still hadn't say a word realised that he might have seem rude.
-I-I'm sorry, I'm Kim Namjoon and I'm new there yeah.  I just came from Ilsan and I don't know what to do to complete my registration in this college.
- Ah You're lucky I found you then. Don't worry anymore I'll be your knight in shining armor
Yonguk winked at him and Namjoon started blushing.
-Aish why are you so cute Namjoon. Stop or I might end up falling for you
- I di-didn't do anything
- You are blushing and it might be the cutest thing I ever saw
Namjoon started sweating nervously. Yonguk noticed that Namjoon was getting nervous and laughed
-Okay Okay I'll stop now let's go I'll help you with your registration and after maybe we can have lunch together. I bet you're hungry. You'll tell me more about you.
-Ah you might have better things to do I don't want to bother. Namjoon felt embarrassed
-No it's OK, really I want to help you
-O-okay then lead the way
Yonguk took Namjoon's hand and started walking to the administration.

That's how everything started

Yonguk was a very great help to Namjoon during his first months at this university.
They became friends and six month after Yonguk asked him to be his boyfriend.
Namjoon was scared at first because it was his first relationship and he was afraid that at a time Yonguk would find his inexperience boring but Yonguk told him otherwise and promised him to always take care of him.
That's how they started dating.

The honeymoon phase lasted 4 years. Namjoon had never been happier.
He even introduced him to his parents and they loved him directly.
They were happy that their son found an alpha who respected him and didn't treat him on the base of his subgender.
Yonguk never introduced Namjoon to his family but he told him about them.
Yonguk was one of the son of the Min family
They were one of the richest of South Korea and they owned the biggest entertainment company of the country. Yonguk had an older brother, his name is Yoongi and it seemed like they weren't really in good terms. In fact,  Yonguk had cut all link with any members of his family.  Namjoon never dared to ask why and he didn't care about how rich his boyfriend was.  He just loved him for who he was simply.

Yonguk graduated two years before namjoon.
Just after his graduation he asked Namjoon to mate with him because he wanted to be linked to him forever. He told him that he couldn't stand their simple relationship and wanted to make it stronger.
Namjoon had never been happier and he said yes immediately.
Yonguk made a reservation in the most expensive hotel in Seoul and prepared a date night that Namjoon would never forget

This night they made love in the hotel room and completed the mating ritual by biting each other.
He was living the dream that many other omega had : He mated with a very comprehensive Alpha who was treating him like he was the most important thing

It was heavenit was their heaven
But unfortunately his happiness wouldn't last long

Two months after they mated and started living together Yonguk asked Namjoon to stop his studies because he was able to provide for both.
Namjoon was too blinded by love to remember the reason why he decided to study in this prestigious university.
He complied to Yonguk's demand and stopped studying

That's how hell started for him....


Heyya my dear readers, here is the first chapter of my story
I hope it's not too confusing if yes I'll try to make it as clear as possible in the next chapters
Honestly it took me a while to decide to start it and I'm really determined to make it as good as I can.
Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment whatever your point of view is about this first chapter or how you think this story is going to be.
Love to y'all and love yourself


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