◽ Twenty Eight

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To the typical unobservant peer, Roma's bump was not noticeable especially as she spent much of her time behind a desk or in bed at this point (swollen feet and hands definitely didn't put you in the mood to do anything). Yet after the first rule breaking from her Father at the station, this had only become more pronounced. Accidental bumping intos became more common, he spoke to her in the Lunch hall no longer restricting himself to their meetings. It sent her paranoia skyrocketing, especially as she realised that even through her billowy cloak, the bump was definitely a little there ... something an observant Father would surely spot.

She kept conversations to a minimum even if she was uncomfortable with being rude like Pippie. Still, this new development did mean Tonks had now offered to do the meetings full time leading to her spending a lot of time in the Hufflepuff common room to get her impression up to scratch. As a result, they hardly saw her which definitely made her and Antonia a bit antsy. Since their visit to May's, Antonia had become even more stoic than usual. There were definitely many things flitting around her mind but she didn't seem to want to reveal them.

A week or so later, as the two girls were lounging around in the Ravenclaw dorms, Roma suddenly became aware of Antonia getting ready to go somewhere. Up until now, the two girls had been enjoying easy silence studying opposite one another in big fluffy dressing gones under equally poofy duvets. Yet even with their shared pact of no talking, it seemed odd that Antonia would just up and leave without saying anything. Was it Roma's presence that was making her inexplicably leave? Had her running in York been the final straw for Antonia?

"Where are you going?" She asked, closing her book to show she meant business.

Antonia turned to her slowly, "Huh? Oh ... just M.A.H."

Instantly Roma relaxed, idly flicking her book open once more, "Oh yes, I forgot that was tonight. What are you working on today?"

"Undecided," Antonia shrugged, heading towards her dresser, "We'll see what everyone's brought in and I'll pick the best one to work on," Her face darkened, "And if Davey McIntyre brings in his broken vacuum cleaner again one more time ... oh, he is out."

"I wouldn't want to be Davey McIntyre."

"If he brings me that silly vacuum cleaner, he won't want to be either," Antonia replied, a hairpin in her mouth as she violently yanked her curls into a tight ponytail. For the dedicated academic, pain was only a minor hurdle in keeping your hair from your face, "Well, I'd best be off. You'll be okay without me?"

"Yes, don't worry," Roma lowered her voice because of the presence of two of their dorm mates at the other end, "I can still walk, it's just sore but I have the summoning charm and a bathroom right there. Go and enjoy your club!"

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