He stood up from his chair, making his way to the door, with a bored expression on his face. "T-They're with Joshua... they're bringing your boyfriend to him so he could get the three million and flee with him to another state, A-And as for his husband..." Mr. Won said, looking at Namjoon who started walking up.

"T-They plan to k-kill him earlier than said... they don't need him, they only wanted for it to be oblivious. To Joshua, your husband is nothing to him, he only want's Taehyung and it's not for his own desire, M-Mr. Jeon..." Jungkook stood there with his back turned to listen to the whole thing.

"H-He plans to trade him in between different men in order to get the one who he loves. It's the only reason why he acquired my friend and me to kidnap your boyfriend..." Jungkook turned back around, walking towards the male who gulped in fear, shutting his eyes tightly.

"Why did you end up taking up on the offer?" The younger asked, crossing his arms and sitting back in the chair. "I-I had no money... my girls needed things for school, a-and had no food," "So you did this to help yourself?" Mr. Won nodded, tears filling his eyes. "Y-Yes..." he whispered, putting his head down in shame.

"Is he telling the truth Namjoon?" Jungkook asked, staring at the crying man. "All true. What do we do now?" Namjoon asked, standing next to Jungkook, sighing heavily. "Don't kill him, he was truthful, feed and clothe him. We're taking him with us, so get ready. Meet me in the meeting room with him in twenty minutes."




"G-Get me out of here!" Taehyung kicked at the wall of the cell he was currently in, looking over at the other body that was in the cell across from him. Taehyung crawled over as much that he could, reaching his hand out to throw a pebble.

"H-Hey," The blonde whispered, throwing another pebble who stirred in his cell. "Seokjinnie? I-Is that you?" the younger whispered, throwing another pebble. "T-Taehyung?" the olders voice was hoarse and cracking making Taehyung duck his head.

Seokjin tried to stretch his arms only for them to be pulled back from the chains that were connected to his wrists. "W-What!? W-Where are w-we?!" Taehyung sighed, watching his Hyung struggle, pulling on the chains. "I-It won't work, I've tried already."

"G-Get us out of here!" Seokjin and Taehyung both yelled at the same time, making as much noise they possibly could. Banging came from behind the door, and a bright plan popped into the younger males head, biting his lip as hard that he could to draw blood.

"W-What're you doing?!" Seokjin whisper yelled at Taehyung who cried out in pain from the pain he was causing himself "G-G-Go alo-along with it h-hyung." Taehyung stated as he started screaming out in pain. "I-I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding from my mouth, h-help!" the younger yelled.

Seokjin nodded following along. "H-Help! He's bleeding everywhere, someone help him!" Taehyung braced himself, turning around to face the wall, then he did something that even Jungkook would kill him for. He banged the side of his face on the wall.

"Taehyung!? Oh god, Taehyung!?" the older male was actually worried, he didn't think that his younger friend would actually go through with inflicting pain on himself like the way he was doing right now. "Taehyung – Help! Help him! He's bleeding so much – fuck, please someone!" Seokjin cried out.

He was worried that Taehyung was going to bleed out, he was losing so much blood he looked like he had just killed someone. A guard ran down the cells, hearing the cries and please coming from a cell. "What's going down – holy fuck... Hey! I'll get you out of there, I'll bring him to Joshua!" the guard yelled.

Taehyung was laying on the floor, blood coming from his mouth, and he was probably sure that his nose was broken but there wasn't any blood coming out, so was he really wasn't sure. The blonde was playing dead, just lying there waiting for the right moment to strike the guard.

Once the blonde felt his body being picked up, he opened his eyes slightly to see that he was being carried over a shoulder. Noticing that there isn't anyone behind the guard, he slips his hand into the pouch that was opened with all kinds of needles.

Slipping his hand in, the male takes it out, trying not to move as much watching Seokjins' put his hand outside of his cell. Taehyung takes this time, stabbing the man in the back of the neck, as they both fall straight to the floor. "H-Hey..." the male says lazily, passing out.

Taehyung grunts, unwrapping his arms from the male, quickly looking through his pockets trying to find a key, any key that could get Seokjin out of his cell. The male stumbles upon a whole ring full of keys, sighing in annoyance, he runs to Seokjins' cell. "H-Hyung! I got the keys!" he whisper-yelled.

The older male sighed in content, getting up in his cell as much that he could. Taehyung tried the keys, some not fitting and others not being the right key. "This is too hard!" Taehyung whined, trying the keys out. "Try the one with the starches Tae."

Taehyung puts in the key in, to his surprise opening all in one go. The younger squeals with happiness, running to un-cuff the chains the older had on. "H-Hyung! We can leave! W-We're free!" Taehyung said, grabbing Seokjins wrist pulling him out of the rusty cell.

The blood still on Taehyungs face was starting to dry up, they both got near the doors that lead to the cell. "T-Taehyung, when do you think they'll come for us?" "I-I don't know Seokjin Hyung..." "What are my two lovely boys doing outside their cell?"

Both men turned around in pure horror, staring at the male in front of them with tears in their eyes. "Hm? Not going to answer? You boys did well, you were able to escape, those two boyfriends' of yours sure are lucky... But I'm luckier." The male with pink hair said, smiling widely.

"Take them to the main room, I want to see what these boys are capable of, I want to see what's' so good about them." Taehyungs' breath hitches, looking over at his Hyung who was currently being pinned to the wall and handcuffed, the same with the younger male.

Please, Jungkookie... Please come to save Seokjin Hyung... Somebody, please. Taehyung was cut from his thoughts, looking at the male who had his hands around Taehyungs' neck, squeezing it slightly. "No wonder Jeon didn't want to share with family, what a shame, we could've been great together, all three of us."

"N-No... Jungkook said he had no family, expect his father–" the male chuckled, sighing sadly. "He's still with the old man? No wonder mother left that old turd, he couldn't do a damn thing." "Y-You're not kookie's brother... y-you liar! I don't believe you!"

The male snickered, bringing his mouth to Taehyungs' ear, blowing air on it. "Believe it, baby, I'm going to make my brother pay for his sins, and I'm going to use you and your beautiful friend over there to do that, just you wait Taehyung."


I'm sorry for the late update, I've been lying in bed sick all day, but writing kept me company < 3 I get sick easily, sadly :c < / 3 ah, and also, i want a salad e.e and if this chapter was confusing to you, i'll make sure to clarify it more the next chapter c : hope you enjoyed! it's thundering badly here in arizona :c

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