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You were having a sleepover at your own house in Cyllage city. You lived in Cyllage city because it was near the ocean. You loved being by the ocean because it gave you so much inspiration as well as gave you a very happy place to live. Neighbors we're happy to help you and be around. You had lots of friends and a great job doing what you love. Well, more like all the things you love. It allows you to be you, the multitalented creative person you were. 

Back to the plot of the story. That's enough exposition to last me a little while. So you were in the kitchen making popcorn and snacks for the squad. The squad was you (or course), Serena, Shauna, Korrina, Viola, and Bonnie because she got all fussy the last time Serena and Sharena ditched her to hang out in Cyllage city.

You just poured the pretzels into a plastic bowl and the popcorn had about thirty more seconds to go. You were waiting for the popcorn when Korrina walked in with Lucario following close behind her. She was wearing a frown and a widespread blush on her face. You rose an eyebrow and she turned to face you.

"Oh! I forgot you were in here (name)! See, Viola asked Bonnie if she had her first crush yet and now everyone is going crazy! I would wait out here for it to die down first."

Korrina walked over and leaned back on the counter. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Lucario just walked over and grabbed the pretzels, bringing it back to the girls in the other room. When Lucario was out of sight the popcorn decided it was ready. You opened the microwave and took out the bag, setting it quickly on the counter to cool a little bit. You don't want to burn your hands, now do ya?

"Hey, (name), Is it true?"

You looked over at Korrina With a raised eyebrow. There are a million thins thst could mean. For starters it could mean if a funny story you had with Shauna or Serena was true. There are a million of those after all. It also could mean if any rumor about your crush was true, since that's what Korrina said the girls were talking about. You turned to her, nonverbally asking for Hern to clarify.

"That Drasana is your Aunt? That would be so cool!"

Oh, Auntie Drasana. She is the dragon type elite four leader and has been for quite some time. You actually lived with her for a while when you were little since your parents live in Sinnoh and you're done with them. But that changed when you went on your Kalos journey with Panpour, your partner Pokemon since forever. How you got Panpour? That's exposition for a later chapter kiddo.

"Yep, she's my Aunt. She's the best. Hey, have you seen Semipour? I'm Kinda worried about him."

Yes, Panpour evolved into a Semipour. For his last birthday Viola asked Her sister Alexa to spring for a water stone while she was in Lumiouse City for a scoop. Korrina looked over and suddenly Semipour was there! Semipour had a little habit of appearing out of nowhere like a ghost type. He likes to surprise people. Must be in his nature. You just loved how playful he was.

"Found him!"

You and Korrina both shared a laugh. You grabbed the popcorn bag on the counter and opened it, pouring the popper kernels into the plastic bowl. Semipour walked over and took the bowl, bringing it back to the girls. You smiled at Korrina, who took a big inhale and stood back up straight.

"I really don't wanna go back in there. They could still be talking about crushes and stuff like that!"

You rolled your eyes. You know those girls have a very short attention span. There's no way that they could still be on the topic of romance. Knowing Bonnie and Shauna, they're probably back to talking about how cute Viola's Surskit is or something. You took Korrina's hand and led her back to the big room. You opened the door.

Crushing Hard [Siebold x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now