Chapter 3

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"Nghh...Jungkook!" The girl in front of him shrieks as he aggressively slams into her multiple times. Jungkook had decided to skip 3rd period, when a junior girl approached him during break, asking if they could go somewhere more 'private.'

The dark haired boy knew all to well what that meant and was definitely willing to give the girl some of his time. He was never one to turn down an offer such as this, practically sleeping with almost anyone who came eagerly to him. Yoongi however, was a bit more different to Jungkook in that department. He was rather reluctant on choosing his sex buddies and never slept with the same person twice. The blonde haired had still slept with a large amount of people but unlike Jungkook, he didn't take on just anyone.

While his friend was busy in a stall in one of the boy's bathrooms, Yoongi sat with his chin on top of the back of his hands. His eyes were still trained on a certain small boy's back, an inching urge was bubbling inside of him to speak to the male.

Yoongi notices that the boy would turn round every so often, staring into the direction off to the right. He followed Taehyung's gaze till it landed on a certain familiar brunette.

The blonde haired male couldn't help but snigger at who it was. 'Of course Jimin would be right in there with the new boy.' He smirks, thinking about the time he had with Jimin in the past, how the smaller brunette gave him his virginity. If Yoongi had to choose, he would say that Jimin was definitely his favourite fuck. The boy had an ass that you just couldn't resist.

However, his smirk soon falters, remembering the brunette now has a boyfriend. 'What was it again? Hose-something?' He guessed that the two must just be friends then...unless they're in some weird polygamy relationship.

Yoongi shakes his head, a short chuckle escapes his lips, 'no way would they be in one of those.'

Class went on, boring Yoongi completely but the view was enough to survive through it.

Lunch time soon came around. Jimin quickly got up from his seat, sauntering over to his best friend. "Ready to go Tae?" He questions the younger who simply nods with a grin smeared across his face. The ravenette hops out of his chair, a deep smile present on his lips that would make anyone coo at him.

Jimin slings an arm around Taehyung's shoulders, bringing him in close to his side so that he can protect him from being shoved around when stepping out into the hallway.

Yoongi watches them with a smirk, his interest in the younger only heightens at the fact he was friends with one of his previous fucks. 'This should be interesting,' he thought before casually taking his time to leave the classroom, in no hurry whatsoever unlike his classmates.

Jimin and Taehyung push through the crowds, trying their best to make it towards a classroom at the very end of the senior hallway. The brunette's eyes skim over each number plate present on the doors till they make it to the last one. They peer inside to see some students still at their desks as Jimin soon spots Taehyung's older brother who was busy being annoyed by a certain grey haired male.

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