
"Spock... do you understand what that would mean? I, as a Betazoid, can only tie my telepathy to one person as a bond-mate in my entire lifetime, lest they die. If we were to bond telepathically... I would be forever bound to you. You could never be rid of me."

"And that is something I hope for," he admitted.

I couldn't stop the loving smile that made its way onto my face. Slowly I leaned up and kissed him slowly and softly, pouring all of my love and adoration to him.

To become completely yours would be my honor, I whispered to him in the weak telepathic link we could maintain through touch.

Slowly, he lifted his hand to my face.

"My mind to your mind... my thoughts to your thoughts," he chanted quietly before suddenly I was overwhelmed by him.

I was in Spock's mind, surrounded by him.

This is... amazing, I admitted. Show me something.

What do you wish to see, t'hy'la?

Show me you as a child, I begged, bracing myself for the emotions and scenes from his past.

There was a Vulcan boy of eleven. I watched the brilliant child answer many complex questions as slowly, light after light went out, finally leaving only one. The boy-Spock-answered his final question correctly.

"Your score is 100%. Congratulations, Spock."

Spock walks out of the little bowl, only to be confronted by two boys.

"I presume you've prepared new insults for today," Spock said.

"Affirmative." My heart sank. This was it. It's what I had been expecting.

"This is your 35th attempt to illicit an emotional response from me."

You counted them all, I said through our link sadly. He didn't respond.

"You're neither Human nor Vulcan and therefore have no place in this universe."

"Look, his Human eyes. They look sad, don't they?"

"Perhaps an emotional response requires physical stimulate," the boy said before pushing Spock. "He's a traitor, you know? Your father. For marrying her, that human whore."

I felt Spock's anger, his fury, his deep hurt, from the boy's comment as he lunged forward and beat the boy easily.

That's exactly how you were when Kirk said those terrible things on the ship, I told him.

I felt, in that moment, as though I had progressed very little from when I was a child, he told me honestly. I allowed my emotions to control me.

The memory continued and he sat with his father on a small bench.

"They called you a traitor," Spock told his father.

"Emotions run deep within our race. In many ways more deeply than in humans. Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience. The control of feelings, so that they do not control you."

"You suggest that I should be completely Vulcan? And yet you married a Human."

"As ambassador to Earth it is my duty to observe and understand Human behavior. Marrying your mother was... logical." Spock thought about it for a moment, several emotions swirling in and out of his heart. "Spock. You are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is, which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide."

Emotionless (Spock Love Story) -COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now