morning after

995 23 30

"So? How was it?" Ace asks me as we walk back to the house.

"It was...interesting" I reply.

"Was is really?" He shoves his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Yeah, it was surprisingly"

"Must've been good at her job then"

"We just talked but it wasn't like a fake conversation that they'd normally give, it was genuine"

"That's it?"

"I like actually having a conversation and not have some bimbo try to get into my pants"

"That's true, no more child support bills"

"I think I'm gonna head back tomorrow"

We walk back to the house and go in.

"Did you two have fun?" Noodle asks with a smile on her face.

Ace and I look at each other and nod.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Luv, I'd like to tell you about it but I'm very tired" I say.

She pouts. "Awe okay but you better tell me tomorrow".

" I will I promise " I smile and start to walk upstairs. I get to my room and close the door behind me. My room is an absolute mess. No matter where we are it's always a mess. Clothes are scattered everywhere, papers on the floor and my desk, coffee mugs on my desk with empty cigarette packs. Right in the middle of the mess is my lyric journal.

I pick it up and skim through all the little doodles and everything. I look in the back and look at the ripped in half #FREEMURDOC sticker. I slowly trace my finger over it.

I miss Murdoc.

No, I don't. He was abusive.

But I still miss him.


I slam the journal down and run my fingers through my hair. I need a drink. I know I said I was tired but I need to go out. I go down stairs and walk out the door then go to the pub. Once I get there I guess I drink like there's no tomorrow then black out.

-the next day-

I wake up on a couch in an unfamiliar setting. The living room is very light like a light color scheme. Egg shell white walls, grey furniture, coffee table in the middle of the floor, and a hanging plant by the window. I don't know who's flat I'm in but at least I still have my clothes on and not waking up beside someone. I can smell waffles being made.

My head is pulsing though not as bad as I thought it would be. I wonder what happened last night? A soft singing voice comes from the kitchen. I slowly get up and start to walk to the kitchen. As I get closer I recognize they're singing (favorite Gorillaz song). I get to the kitchen and see (y/n) standing there, messy hair, cooking in an over sized shirt and basketball shorts. I smile and lean against a wall.

"Ello luv" I say.

She jumps and looks at me. "Jesus christ don't scare me!"

I chuckle at her. "Sorry I didn't mean to. But uh not to be straight forward but how did I get here?"

"Oh well, you were shit faced drunk and came to Magic City. You didn't have your phone on you, we did not have Ace's number to call him soo I took you back to my place. I'm sorry I really didn't know what to do with you and I did not just want to leave you somewhere I mean you were fucked up. Anyway, once we got back I set you on the couch but you put me beside you and laid your head on my lap and started to cry about Murdoc. Long story short I was up until 3 am listening to you vent and making you drink water so you wouldn't have a bad hangover".

I'm taken back by this. She done all this even though we just met. "Thank you for everything. How much did I tell you?"

"Enough to know that he put you in a lot of messed up situations". She sighs. "Anyway, there's food on the table and water so stay hydrated so you don't get a headache". She smiles brightly at me.

I sit down where a plate of food is. "Thank you luv"

"No problem. You coming back to Magic City tonight?" She asks.

"To see you? Of course" I say taking a sip of water.

"I promise I'll look better than I do right now". She chuckles.

"I think you look fine right now", I say as I take a bite of the waffles she made.

"Oh I know", she says confidently. She starts to make herself a bowl of cereal then grabs her coffee mug so she can sit at the table with me.

Wow, I give a compliment to a fan and they don't fish for more?

"Cocky little thing aren't you?"

This makes her blush. "Only sometimes, now eat".

"You know, these waffles are really good", I say as I shovel another bite in my mouth.

"Well they came from a box I shouldn't get all the credit", she says as she finishes her cereal.

I give her a puzzling look only because I was expecting a thank you of some sort. Y/n takes notice of this and I see a twinge of an 'oh no' look.

"Oh, I mean thank you"

"How do you forget to say thank you? Uh sorry that was a little blunt"

She shrugs and leans back in her seat. "It's okay, I just forget sometimes".

I feel like I just made this awkward.

"So umm what are you into?" I ask, trying to redirect the conversation.

She giggles from sensing that I tried to change the awkward topic. "Do you mean hobbies or kinks?" She smirks at me. It's a playful smirk because she knows she's messing with me.

I feel my cheeks start to hurt from blushing so much. But I decide to mess with her back. "I..erm hobbies, you'll have to surprise me with the other info next time I have you to myself". I wink at her.

Now her face is red. "Man, you got me good I wasn't expecting that", she chuckles nervously. "Umm I really like to draw, I'll have to show you them sometime".

She's so fun to mess with. I want to make her even more flustered...

No, no get the idea out of your head 2D.

"I'd love to see them".

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