Remember Your Promise | TaeKook

Start from the beginning

Jungkook’s tears pour down freely and it is hard to see anything through the stream of water. He harshly wipes them away and continues to watch his love through blurry eyes.

“Don’t get me wrong, you know I’m not cool or cold enough to not care about my death. I contemplate like everyone else in my situation as to why it has to be me and why it has to be now and such. But... it’s like this now, I can’t change anything with sulking. Instead I’m grateful that I was able to meet you before it was too late. I’m grateful I met you and you can’t even imagine how grateful I am that you love me. I know it’s not fair to you, since you’re left behind but know that you gave me a whole universe! You gave me you and you gave me the best of myself as well.” Taehyung laughs upon his own words.

“This sounds why too strange and arrogant! But well, it’s the truth. You’re endless love for me makes me also love myself, ‘cause I love everything you like. You gave me the best of me. I just hope you love yourself just as much because if one person deserves to be loved, then it’s you! The sky shall be my witness, I do!" Taehyung’s stare with which he gazes at the camera makes Jungkook think for a short moment he’s actually here, still breathing and telling him like so often how much he loves him.

“Actually, I think I will tell you to love yourself some more after I finish this video...”

Jungkook remembers the moment very clearly when Taehyung asked him casually one day if he loved himself. He understands now why Taehyung reacted so intense when he said he liked himself but wouldn’t call it love, that he had doubts sometimes and that he got insecure a lot by what other people thought.

“Anyway, Kookie please know that I love you endlessly. You’re the most perfect human creature on this earth. More like in the whole universe and you deserve all the love there is, don’t ever think else wise! I wish you all the happiness there can be!
I know right now it must be kind of unimaginable and I’m sorry that I’m the one to inflict this pain in you. Believe me I wouldn’t if there was a way... “

For a short moment sadness flickers over Taehyung’s face and it tears Jungkook’s heart in thousand little pieces to know that he went through all of that alone. He had never once said even a single word about his illness to him until the day he collapsed.

“I’m sorry to cause you pain but you once said that one needs to experience sadness to know happiness. You experience sadness now, you know what it means to lose something, so appreciate the happy times that follow. Don’t ever feel bad for being happy without me or forgetting over me for a moment. I love your smile – way more than your tears! So I want you to be happy. Please promise me something: Promise me to live your life. Don’t dwell over me and live your own life. Be happy, be sad, be angry, be amused and don’t be afraid to love again.”

Taehyung’s sad smile is so heartbreakingly warm that Jungkook sobs uncontrollably.

“And before you go on protesting, I’m not asking you to forget about me. Hell, I’m too egoistical for such heroic statements. You know I love attention and especially your attention so I can’t ask you to forget about me. Instead I ask you to remember me in only the good ways. Keep me as a happy memory. Whatever might still happen, please remember me as the happy person I am right now!”

The smile on Taehyung’s face is now genuine and accompanied from his signature V-sign he often did for pictures; he really had been happy in that moment.

“That’s the main purpose of this video actually. I heard it normally ends pretty badly for people with this type of cancer. If I could I don't want you to see me at all that miserable but I think I need you at my side way more. And I know you would never forgive me if I wouldn’t let you be there for me so if you have seen me miserably in my last moments I want you to forget about it. Remember me as I am now. Get your grey brain cells working and search for the happy memories; I know you can do it, Kookie!Fighting!” The tears still stream down Jungkook’s face when Taehyung makes an encouraging fist and it is difficult to breath around the thick lump in his throat but he doesn’t even mind anymore.

OneShot MxM Collection | BTS (TaeKook, VMin, YoonMin, YoonSeok) Where stories live. Discover now