•i'm not tempted•

Start from the beginning

Hayley turned to him with a quirk an eyebrow. "Trying to woo Imogen with food that was made by a compelled chef from a five star restaurant? How genius of you." she said in a mocking way.

Klaus scowled at her. "At least I'm doing something to woo her rather than just watch her from afar and doing nothing." he shot back.

Hayley laughed. "And it only took you how many centuries again?" she mocked him again.

Klaus looked pissed off as he took a menacing step forward towards the brunette. "Mind saying that again?" he said threateningly as Hayley just smiled sarcastically at him.

Imogen sighed and quickly stood in front of Hayley and softly pushed Klaus back. "Nik? Relax, Hayley's teasing." she said.

Klaus relaxed as his eyes soften when he met Imogen's chocolatey brown eyes while Hayley smiled softly at how Imogen easily calmed down the tempered Original hybrid.

"Hmm, if Nik didn't do this, then, I guess we have to thank Elijah." Imogen said as she, Hayley and Klaus turned to the food on the table.

"This wasn't my doing, Farien."

The three looked up and saw Elijah descending the stairs, walking towards them with a confused look on his face.

Hayley frowned. "Then, where did this all come from?" she asked.

The silver lid on the platter suddenly began to rattle, which startled Imogen and Hayley so much that they jump in fright before instinctively stood closer to one another as Klaus and Elijah exchanged looks. Klaus looked uneasy as he lifts the platter, which released two starlings that fly up toward the ceiling, causing the four to reflexively duck to avoid being hit before they all looked puzzled and nervous at each other.

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asked, confused as she looked up the starlings.

Imogen, Klaus and Elijah exchanged looks before the noirette reached for the folded paper on the silver platter.

"Dinner. Your Home. 8pm." Imogen read and her eyes widen, realizing who it was from and looked up at Klaus and Elijah. "An invitation from Esther."

Klaus and Elijah exchanged looks of concern as Imogen burned the invitation in her hands with her magic.

"I guess this is another family reunion with a hidden agenda."


Klaus was standing outside on the balcony of his bedroom, staring at the French Quarter while Imogen was inside the room, lying flat on her back on the bed.

"Nik? I can feel that Esther's invitation earlier is troubling you. Come here, let's talk."

Klaus sighed heavily before doing what he was told and heads inside his room. "We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against our own family, my love." he said with frustration in his voice.

Imogen narrowed her eyes with a dangerous glint in them at the thought of Esther. "Well, Esther and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through both to our daughters' hearts. I will happily add to the body count." she said in annoyance as Klaus smiled proudly at her.

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