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(Not Edited)

June 2028




Feel, See, Smell.

The sound of the monitor was growing louder in my ear. Where am I? What happened to me? I feel the soft smooth cotton sheet laced between my fingers and for a while that's the only thing I feel. But a presence. A presence is there with me. I can feel the warmth of another body lying beside me. I have struggle to get my eyes open. It's like something is weighing them down. It's damp and cool. I start to reach up when someone stops me.

"Don't. Let me. "

I let the person remove the towel and it takes my eyes awhile to adjust to the bright room. Am I in the hospital? I look to the side to see and brownskined man. He had curly hair and looked to be quite tall. He wore glasses that slightly hung off his nose and he had a brilliant smile showing all of his perfect teeth. I was perfect.

"Who are you? " I managed to croak out. My voice was shattered and my words we're lifeless.

"Babygirl it's me Tray. " He stated with hope in his eyes. Hope of what I'm not sure.

Before I could respond again the door to the room opened catching both of our attention. A sweet looking woman with a blue nursed uniform walked up to us. She looked as if she had been working all night long.

"Ahh Mrs. Young! You're finally awake! I'll go get Dr. Davis for you.

Tray said a soft thank you and turned his attention back to me.

" Baby do you know who I am? Do you remember me at all? " He said pulling my hand into his much larger one.

"I'm sorry. I really don't." His smile slowly faded as he turned his head slightly from me kinda like he was defeated. He let out a sigh before quickly returning back to me.

"Well do you remember you? Your name? "

Actually I didn't. I hadn't really thought about it. I closed my eyes and tried to think.

"My name... My name is Jordan Renee Young. I'm 24 years old. I live in Atlanta Georgia with my Husband Tra-" I eye flashed open as I quickly sat up in the bed.

"Tray! Tray! My husbands name is Tray! It's you! I do remember you. We're Newlywed and were pregnant. Right. The baby he's okay right? " I saw placing my hands on my stomach. Tray sat next to me on the bed wrapping his arms around me.

"No baby. Jr. didn't make it. "

I felt like a knife was taken to my heart. My child is gone. And I didn't even get a chance to meet him. I looked Tray in the eyes and he looked back. I couldn't hold back any longer I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso and cried my eyes out. I can't believe it. I noticed Tray was silent with minimum emotion showing. Then it hit me.

"How long? How long ago did I lose him? " I said pulling back. Tray looked hesitant to speak at first but he did.

"It's been 5 months Jordan. "

"Five months? I lost my baby five months ago? Why don't I remember? "

"Because you've been in a coma Mrs. Young. " The doctor spoke up from behind me. I guess I was so shaken I didn't hear him enter the room. I turned back to Tray and sat in his arms. What could have happened to me?

"Mrs.Young do you remember why you in the hospital in the first place? " He asked while taking notes on his clipboard.

"No. It's hard for me to remember anything right now. Except for a few things. I know my name and age. I know Tray is my husband and we have- had a baby on the way. " I said correcting myself. Tray kissed my head while rubbing my arm. I'm glad he is here to go through this with me.

"Well Mrs. Young you and Mr. Young here both suffered from a serious car accident. You were struck by a oncoming truck. Tray here only suffered from a broken leg and healed up quite fast. You on the other hand were not so lucky. We had to preform and early C-Section to try and save the baby, of course with Mr. Young's approval, but unfortunately the baby was stangled by the umbilical cord and suffered death from lack of oxygen. After the news of your baby you complained of feeling light headed and tired from a loss of blood and slipped into a coma lasting 5 months. " The doctor said slightly shaking his head. Tray wipped tears from my eyes I didn't even know had fallen. I couldn't feel anything. All I wanted to do was hold him. See him smile just once. My baby boy was gone forever. Tray cleared his throat to speak up.

"Well Dr. when can I take her home? "

I rested my head in the crook of his neck going home would be the best right now.

"Well seeing as Mrs. Young remember everything up until the day of the accident. She should be okay to go home today. I suggest getting her around some close friends and family which she may have trouble remembering at first but a few conversations and maybe some photos should Jog her memory. All I ask is that you come back in one month for a check up and you can be released today. Again I am sorry for your loss Mr. And Mrs. Young. Please try to have a good day.

I could feel anger at that point. A good day. At this point there aren't any good days for me. The Dr. Excused himself along with the nurse leaving me and Tray in each others arms.

" Take me home Tray please. " I said closing my eyes. Ironically I felt tired but the last thing I wanted was to sleep. I've been sleep for 5 months. Wow. Tray kisses my head once more before standing up.

" I am going to run home to get you some clothes and then if your hungry we can get you something on the way back. " I shook my head slowly while laying back down. Tray rubbed my back then left. The room grew silent. I feel so much right now it's not even imaginable. I just allowed myself to burst into tears and yell and scream into my pillow. I wanted a child so bad. Now I can't have the one thing in this life I could cherish the most.


I walked out the hospital not really knowing what to do. I called Chris and told him that Jordan was awake. He said he would let everyone know and be waiting for a call to let them know when to come over. I walked out into the parking lot before getting in and resting my hands and head on the steering wheel.

Before I could stop myself, everything I was hiding in the hospital from Jordan and the Doctors flowed out of me. I thought over these past few months I had come to terms with everything that has been going on these last few months with Jordan and our son but after today seeing her wake up only time find out she lost a child? I can even begin to imagine what she's going through. I'm the father but it's something about the bond a mother has with her child. A bond like no other.

Lord I need you right now. Please help me and my wife to stay strong right now. Please let me be strong for her. Help her too God I know she needs you right now. Take care of Jr. for me.

I let out a deep breath and fixed my face and pulled off onto the downtown streets of Atlanta.

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