~Jungle Pool! SMI! Save my innocence!~

Start from the beginning

"What?!?!?! Right now?" she exclaimed as she jumped up in fear.

"No silly, not now!" they chorused as they leaned on one another.

"Then why am I wearing this ridiculous thing???" she asked as she shifted around uncomfortably still trying to hide her exposed skin.

"Our mother wanted to see the girl that we'd picked to do the shoot with us and we figured that we might as well make you look your best!" they stated in unison with identical smirks.

"Well why didn't you just plonk me in a dress like you did last time???" she asked as she stomped her foot like a child. It was cute though instead of the angry vibe she was trying to pull off.

"Because, this way it's so much more fun!" they sung as they danced about gleefully.

"... Bakas ..." she mumbled under her breath as she walked my way, giving up on covering her skin as she knew that nothing she did would affect her look. I quickly began to speed walk back to where I was just relaxing when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Tamaki-sempai, why are you doing here?" she asked as she walked up to me.

"U-U-U-Uh... I was just taking a little break, yeah! A break!" I stuttered as I tried my best not to look at her revealing clothes.

"Sempai, your face is really red! Do you have a fever?" she asked as she stood on her tippy-toes and felt my forehead with the back of her hand. I could feel her body heat on my chest from where she was standing. She was so close... Too close.

"GAH! Ahahaha! I'm perfectly fine Yuki! There's nothing to worry about! Ahahaha..." I chuckled awkwardly as my entire face became as red as a tomato.

"Uhh... Okay?" she replied with a cute tilt of her head before walking towards the pool, her hips swaying unconsciously. ARGH!!!!! What am I thinking??? I started banging my head on the brick wall. Stupid me. I acted like such an idiot!!! She probably thinks I'm really weird now...

Yuki's POV

I stared out into the vast scenery before me. A wide stretch of water went on for what seemed like miles and a flourishing tropical rainforest in the corner of my eye. This was definitely the work of the Otori company. They were always so professional in each and every aspect of their various businesses. The pool was very impressive. As expected.

I spotted Haruhi in the corner of my eye wearing a yellow pullover and green shorts. What's with the getup? Isn't she going to swim?

"Yo, Haruhi! Aren't you going to swim?" I asked as I approached her.

"Ah, Yuki! No, I'm not. I have this thing on anyway." she replied with a dead panned look as she pulled on the material of her pullover.

"Didn't you get shoved into a bathing suit like I did?" I asked. I wonder what happened with Haruhi? Did they give her the same treatment or... Now that I think about it... Who undressed me? They better not have stripped me! If they did they're dead!

"Yuki...?" she asked nervously as she backed away slightly. It must be my dark aura. My mood changed instantaneously when I realized that I was scaring her.

"Oh, sorry! So... Did you get forced into a swimsuit?" I repeated as I reverted back to my normal self.

"I did but it wasn't as... Revealing as yours. And plus Tamaki made me wear this on top of the suit. Something about not being allowed to show skin until you get married..." she muttered. More protective fatherliness. I sighed.

"That sounds like Tamaki alright!" I replied all too cheerily.

"Haru-chan! Yuki-chan! Do you want some coconut juice? Or maybe some mango cake?" Mitsukuni offered as he jumped around excitedly.

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