Rwby meets Fairy tail~~part 1

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Nobody's pov
Ruby Rose was asleep in her room with her other teammates and her dog Zwie, the young female huntress had been put in to the position as leader of her team that consisted of Wiess Schnee,Blake Belladonna, and  Yang Xiao Long her half sister.As the four young huntresses were in a deep sleep a man broke into there room.
"Ah you must be the young rose that has taken Beacon Academy by storm."
Wiess Schnee had woken up to the stranger talking to her dear leaders and as ,she may not admit it friends, motionless body.
"Why in the world are you in the world are you in our room and talking to my sleeping leader."
"Good day Mrs. Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust compa- oh wait your not are you."
"Uhh Blake I think we have a problem!" Wiess said in a worried tone.
Blake grabbed out her weapon and tried to attack the man.
"Nuh uh kitten"said mystery man as he disappeared as soon as Blake tried to attack him.
Blake made a shadow clone if herself so Wiess could charge through it and attack him.
But he was to fast.
"Im leagues better than either of you and I only came for the rose"
Mystery man said in a deeper tone.
Then out of nowhere a hole appeared in the middle of the ground taking everything with it including the blond haired huntress and the little dog.
"Nooo!!!"Blake screamed so loud that it was heard in team jnpr's room.
"Ren,Jaune I think there is a problem in team Rwby's room!!!!" Nora screamed out.
"Nora I don't think that anything is wrong just go back to sleep. Jaune said
"Noooo!!" Blake screamed out again.
"Oh sugar honey iced tea let's go over there!!"said Jaune grabbing
Crocea Moore
"Blake calm down." Wiess said in a calm Manor even though her body movement and the fact that tears were streaming down her face that she was not calm.
Ruby finally woke up because of the sound of Jaune and Nora breaking threw the door while Nora is yelling "Can I break it's legs!!?."
All the sudden Ruby saw the man in the room and then slowly saw Blake and Wiess falling threw the dark hole so she jumped in after them without thinking.
"Wait no!!" She heard Jaune yell
Jaune's pov
And with that I saw the red head jump threw, I screamed out right before the hole closed as I was about to jump in.
"No Ruby I can't lose you, your my best friend." I said under my breath because ever since Pyrrha (please let me know if I spelt that wrong) died we had grown closer not romantically but like a older brother to a younger sister.
I can't lose her to.
Nobody's pov
In magnolia
"Good morning girls." Yang said barely waking up not noticing the different surroundings.
"Hey guys?"Yang said looking around
"Is something different?"

And that's end of chapter one I did exactly 590 words I hope you like it:)tell me your thoughts in the comments

Ratsu a new kind of story (fairy tail and Rwby crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum