[6] : Familiar

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"I hope you get to love like warm sunlight upon soil that makes plants grow

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"I hope you get to love like
warm sunlight upon soil
that makes plants grow."


Peter's POV

After telling Ned all about what happened last night, we continued our day like someone was watching us. In reality no one cared, but that still didn't change our behavior.

I was currently sitting in my math class, waiting for the teacher to come back from making copies, when Emily approached Waverly's desk. It was always interesting to see how they interacted, sometimes the shorter girl was calm, and sometimes she acted like she wanted to kill Emily.

"Hey, buzzkill." Her high pitched voice made my ears want to bleed.

"What do you want?" Waverly responded, not looking up from whatever she was doing on her paper. She never failed to surprise me. I mean, if anyone ever called me buzzkill, i'd probably be beet red and stuttering from embarrassment.

"I wanna know where you get your clothes from. I mean, it's not everyday someone can wear black- oh wait, they can, can't they?" She giggled before turning to her friends and back again, sitting on top of Waverly's desk.

"Haha you're so funny Emelia, but why don't you skeedadle the fuck off of my desk before we start something you won't want to finish? Sound good?" Waverly finished with a fake smile, not to mention acting like she didn't even know Emily's name. I chuckled to myself before my eyebrows furrowed; skeedadle?

"Sorry for the holdup class, why don't we get started on today's lesson." My thoughts were cut short when our tall teacher came back from making copies.


Waverly's POV

"I met Spider-man, he's a dumbass." I thought so at least, I have no idea what Timothy would say.

"Are you serious? Did you get his number?!" His jaw dropped and he knocked my apple out of my hand, causing me to glare at him.

"No, you idiot! It wasn't formal, I was just walking outside, taking the trash out, and he fell off the building." I chuckled remembering him barely catching himself when landing. Technically I wasn't lying, I was just stretching the truth.

"That's so cool! Maybe we could kidnap him?" My eyebrows furrowed together as I turned to look at my best friend. I looked up at him for a good two seconds before slapping him in the head.

"You can't just kidnap people who haven't done anything wrong, idiot!" I started laughing at his shocked expression before continuing my walk back to the lunch room.


"So where should we start?" I swiveled in the desk chair that belonged to Ned.

"Uhm, h-how about the paper?" I stopped swiveling and turned to him, looking him dead in the eye.

"I love your thinking." I tried to act pretend serious to ease the tension that was obviously still there.

We worked for half an our before there was a knock at the door. Ned's mom came in and started asking questions that really didn't concern her, like what my name was.

"I'm Waverly, nice to meet you." His mom and I were around the same height, so looking her in the eye was not a problem.

"It's lovely to meet you, Waverly. Can I get you anything to drink?" She offered me a motherly smile before I shook my head and thanked her. Ned told her to leave us in peace, not stuttering once, and she listened.

I left and bid Ned a farewell, but not before making him text me so I had his number. It scared him, but I was not giving out my number to be rejected by my own partner.

"Bye Ned! We can work on it more later, yeah? Just text me and let me know!"

"Y-yeah, ok. See you l-later!"


"Ok, W, you ready?" My father, or boss, asked me from the back exit of our building.

"I guess." I shrugged off my bag before slowly walking to the back door where he stood. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but if the boss wanted something done, I was always his go to torture machine.

There was a man tied to a pole that ran up the building, already sporting a black eye and a limp leg. I wanted to cringe at the sight, but I couldn't.

"Ok, mija, this man stole from us. What do we do to people who steal from us?" He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at the thief.

"We make them pay." I mumbled my reply, practically a programmed response now, before turning my emotions off. To get the job done there must be no distractions.

"Very good. Make him pay." He whispered in my ear as I stared at the poor man, already feeling the smallest amount of sympathy for his future. With that, my boss turned around and entered the old grey building that I called home.

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