The Past Of Memories

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I watch as the blood flows down my arm.

It falls on the floor creating a small puddle of blood.

The pain numbs all the things going on in my life.

It makes me forget the cruel way people act.

It makes my life happy,but only for a moment.

Then reality sits in and I am reminded of my dark past.

The voices call to me.

Always reminding me of my mistakes.

The blood is spewing everywhere now.

I take a look in the the mirror and frown.

I close my eyes and remember the words of my mother.

''Why did we have to have such a ugly child?''Your nothing,you never did anything in your life.''We gave you everything and

you treat us like dirt.''I don't even consider you my daughter.''Your a disgrace to this family!"'

Anger feels my body as those words ring in my head.

I open my eyes and take the knife and cut deeper.

I laugh in pure joy as I do this.

I can feel my body swaying a little.

I smile and wait for it to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2010 ⏰

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