First Kiss

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I knew it was coming.

You were leaning towards me.

I could see your blue eyes sparkling with joy.

Your black hair shining in the bright sun.

Those cherry red lips coming closer.

You closed your eyes and I closed mine.

My heart felt as if it was going to burst from nervousness.

Your lips touched mine.

It was the most amazing thing ever.

I couldn't even begin to explain how I felt at that moment.

I could feel your cool minty breath on my lips.

Your lips were softly brushing against mine.

The way your lips moved in sync with mine.

How gentle you were.

Your arms around my waist.

Pulling me closer to you.

Like you were scared I was going to disappear.

After it was over, you opened your eyes.

You had a devious looking smile plastered on your face.

My heart was filled with a loving feeling.

I felt like crying because it was so beautiful.

It was magical.

To me it was breathtaking.

It was my first kiss and it was a dream.

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