Chapter 1

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(Days after the debut)

It's been days after the debut and everyone was celebrating making it into the group called "bts". They were having a party with each other and with the staffs and producers and managers. Everything was going great for them drinking and eating food and chilling with each other.

"WHOOO BLAST THE MUSIC PEOPLE"jin yelled holding a glass of wine in his hand dancing around as namjoon admired him from afar. Everyone else was dancing as well except for Jungkook. He was watching jimin having the time of his life. Dancing around and laughing, smiling like crazy.

"Jungkookie why aren't you dancing and celebrating?!" Jimin asked walking towards Jungkook panting. Jungkook was taken aback on how small yet cute and sexy he looks when he pants. "Um I don't celebrate" Jungkook lied. He just wanted to watch jimin. "Nonsense come on let's dance!" Jimin said pulling his arm onto the dance floor.

Jungkook then got used to moving and dancing and began to have fun with jimin laughing a giggling. Jimin then pulls out his iPhone 6 and take pictures of himself with Jungkook and the other members having fun. They were partying hard as ever.

Hours later

That same night the we're pooped out and exhausted of partying. They went to their shared dorms. Tae shared with jimin, namjoon shared with hobi, suga shared with jin and Jungkook had a room to himself having privacy more.

When jimin got to the room with tae he plopped down on the bed sighing.
"That was fun" he said smiling to himself. "Hell yea we should do it more often!" Tae said screaming and made jimin chuckle. Jimin started looking through his phone seeing the photos and decided to post some on line.

Since jimin was in bts now he had his own instagram account to post what happens behind the scenes basically. He has many followers but they're a few haters who get under his skin. Since jimin had a chubby body everyone judge him based on his looks since the debut. But jimin thought he was fine before but ever since the debut he's been judge.

After posting the photos he changed his clothes into his night clothes which were sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He put his phone on his charger and went over to tae making sure he was sleep and tucked in before turning out the lights and going to bed himself.

Next morning

The next morning jimin woke up dew to the smell of bacon coming from down stairs and noticing tae wasn't in the room. He sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes and yawning before going to his closet grabbing fresh new clothes and a towel. He got into the shower for a hour and got out with his fresh clothes on, dripping hair and a towel around his neck.

He sat on his bed wiping the water from his head grabbing his phone. He noticed he got a lot of likes from the pictures but hateful comments. And it really hurt his feelings.

2,000 views Liked by jungkook_bts and 1,347 othersIlybts_11 who's he? Why is his cheeks so goddamn chubby?

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Liked by jungkook_bts and 1,347 others
Ilybts_11 who's he? Why is his cheeks so goddamn chubby?. Looks like a bloated animal
BTSLIFE I AGREE! He shouldn't be with that sexy ass Jungkook if he looks like a fatty.
Jkisbae_95 LoL he's an embarrassment to bangtan

(Imagine them wearing a suit)2,056 viewsLiked by taetae_95 and 1,375 othersTaelover omfg tae get away from him he's to ugly for you

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Imagine them wearing a suit)
Liked by taetae_95 and 1,375 others
Taelover omfg tae get away from him he's to ugly for you.
Cowgirl to taelover stop with the hateful comments
Btsarmy_33 to Cowgirl I agree.

Jimin continued to read the hateful comments feeling his stomach and pinching his cheeks. "Maybe there right" Jimin thought as he began to cry silently on his bed facing the wall. "Starting from today I'm on a diet" he said to himself silently and crying.

Tae then came in and startled jimin a little. Jimin wipes his tears not wanting tae to see. "Jimin breakfast is ready!"tae said standing by the door. "Um I-I'll be down in a second" Jimin said trying to hide the sadness in his voice not facing tae. "You ok?" Tae asked concerned and jimin nodded and tae left.

Jimin got dressed but this time to go outside. He put on black skinny jeans and a black boots with a black shirt, black sweater and a white mask to hide his face from people outside. As jimin was getting ready to leave his room he grabbed his phone a headphones and wallet heading down stairs.

He saw the members eating eggs bacon and other breakfast things. It made his mouth water but he just walked past not letting it bother him.
"Jimin where are you going? You didn't even eat yet!!" I hear jin say which made me stop walking to the front door. "Have no time I gotta go out" jimin says putting In my headphones.

"You should probably eat" Jungkook said worried. But jimin ignored him.
Jimin walked towards the front door to see two guards standing in his way.
"Move" He said with a hint of attitude. "Where are you going park Jimin?" One asked. "Out" jimin said back. "Do you need-
"I don't need you to follow me" JIMIN said cutting him off.

They then step aside and jimin was let out of the dorm house. Everyone was baffled by jimins behavior but didn't want to discuss it so they continued to eat silently.

If only they knew what jimins intentions were in time.

DANCE MAJOR INSECURITY || Jikook Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum