1 dies, 3 mourn

30 1 0

        Jordan's POV

        I'm at the lake, watching the water and fish. I walk out and look for my siblings car. Well family car. Issac got a part time job, so I dropped him off and had Cerria promise to pick me up if I go somewhere.

        I go to a crosswalk, I tried crossing when I could. I almost did, but someone was speeding and I think on their phone!! I felt a sudden push then passed out.

        Cerria's POV

        I drive to the place Jordan told me to pick him up at. I then see a car crashed into my brother. I parked and ran over. Crying now.

        I called Bethany as someone had called 911. Bethany had actually walked and by then the police and an ambulance had came. "That's my brother, Jordan Frye. I am Cerria Frye," I explain to the police.

        "Are you okay sis?" Bethany asked, looking very worried. "Jordan got run over!" I yell and she hugs me. She said she called Issac's work place and told them we had an family emergency.

        I cry as we pick Issac up and drive to the hospital. Obviously Bethany is driving since I'm crying. We got there and waited as we knew they had no visiting hours currently anyways. We have to wait.

        "It's going to be okay Cerria, don't worry, it's Jordan. He'll be okay. He's strong," Issac said, sounding concerned while putting a hand on my shoulder. He was behind me in the right back seat.

        "I-I know Issac, I'm just so-so worried about him!" I say, looking at Bethany. "We know he'll be okay. Let's hope we don't have to shut down the channel," Bethany joked a bit and I said, "We'll have to if he dies."

        We wait for a few hours... okay we also get lunch. We go in then sit down. We worry still though. I worry the most. A nurse comes out to us with news.

        "Are you the Frye Family? Your brother is Jordan Frye correct?" The nurse asked, she looked forgiving. We nod, I frown already knowing what's going to happen. "I'm sorry but- he died. I'm sorry for your loss," The nurse said, making me cry many tears.

        It hurts me the most because I've known him the longest. "How did he die from that?" Bethany asked, she was mostly confused.

        "Extreme blood loss," The nurse explained. Bethany hugged me now, me crying into her shirt. "Let Jordan rest in piece then. Not PIE though am I right?" Issac said, trying to help cheer me up.

        We go home, calling Mom and telling her the bad news. I'm definitely going into depression.

        Jordan's POV

        I wake up in a building somewhere. "Sir? Are you okay?" I see someone ask, they sound like JonnyToast. Cerria's Characters. "Cerria? Bethany? Where am I? Issac, Wait is this a prank you troll?" I ask a bit weak. "Wha? Sir, do you have some sort of amnesia," The JonnyToast figure asked.

        "Jonny?" I ask, a bit weirded out. "I don't feel strong at all," I then add. "Sir! You just used contractions! Your not alright!" JonnyToast asked, by now it has to be him.

        He picks me up as my head droops. "Jonny? What are you doing... I am exhausted. Can I sleep or no? I do not think I can walk," I say and he just nods. "Sir, you actually turned into Jimmy Casket for a while so I'm not surprised. So yes, you can sleep Sir," JonnyToast explained.

        I smile a bit tired. "Thanks Jonny, I love you," I say, not really noticing because of how drowsy I am of what I just said. "U-uh... I love you too Sir," He says back and I smile more now.

        I fell asleep, feeling him put me in the seat and put the seatbelt on. "'Ello Governor!" I hear Jimmy- JIMMY!!

        Yup, I'm here too~ I know your not JonnyGhost cause he's right here!!

Yeah, sorry dude. I want control!!

I know... I just died though... I miss my siblings...

Um... so I can have control? Um what's your name?

Jordan Frye... about 26 years old

Really?! So you just died and... oh my, I am so sorry.

        Shut up!! I want to show JonnyToast my secret!! That stupid Brit!

Hey that's my sisters Brit! She created him! My little sis... she's probably so- oh no...

I- what do you mean?

We have a YouTube channel... I'm Venturian with HomelessGoomba, Bethany Frye, and ImmortalKyodia!! Not really though... I'm gonna miss my siblings.

Oh my!! Your the god! Venturian?!

        Please don't hurt me god... Venturian...

I created you both!!

What?! You have got to be kitten me!!

Awww cute...

        Seriously you two? Seriously?

Sooooo Jordan, is there a way I can take control?

I don't know, maybe I just let you?

        I think Toasters putting you in JonnyGhost's bed now.

Ugh, please just be sure not to embarrass me please...

I don't want to impersonate you!!

Be my kinder side... I will come out if you get frustrated.


        "Jonny?" I ask him a bit tired, Toast got a bit scared by this. "S-Sir I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry!" He said, a little high pitched at the end.

        "It's alright. I mean it is alright," I said tired. Still...

        "Jonny, do not worry yourself, okay?" I ask. "Of course Sir! I won't," Toast says, lying. "You are lying. I can tell," I say. I sit up to look at him. "Sir, please. You need rest," He says now.

        "I will be fine. Do not worry," I then say looking at him in the eyes. He blushes. I try to get up only to fall. "Sir!" He yells as he catches me. A very bad way may I say.

        Spooker and Colin then enter the room. "Um... you two alright?" Colin asked as Spooker just looked confused. "I thought you two just are friends?" Spooker asks. "Please just shut up," JonnyGhost buts into the situation. Thank you for that by the way. You are very welcome.

        "Sir, you wa-want to get- get back in b-bed right?" JonnyToast asked, obviously nervous. I only nod, feeling too tired to say anything. He then helps me back in bed and puts the blankets over me. Almost immediately I fall asleep.

1063 words!! Yeah Lucsas... greeat!! Hey how are you in here Jimmy Casket? Just showing the readers which word effect means which person. Ummm alright... Sorry about tha- Wait! Are you the person who technically killed me?! Okay everyone! SO HAVE A GGRREEAATT DAY OR NOIGHT AND GGRREEAATT BBUUNNNNEEYY BBYYEE!(!)!(!)((!))

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