2 Are Clueless 1 Figures Out The Truth

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JonnyToast's POV

"Sir, it's time to get up," I whisper, he didn't eat dinner last night. "Jonnyyyyyyy! Noooooo!" Sir whined. "You didn't eat dinner Sir, you need food. How does breakfast sound?" I ask, very annoyed.

"Fine, I actually am starving, sorry about that Toast. That is probably why I am being such a annoyance," Sir apologized. That's not normal for him. "Here Sir! Let me help you up!" I say and help him out of bed.

"Your hair is a mess Sir~," I say as I tease, I sound a bit flirty though. "I will brush it soon, just- breakfast! Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee!!" He begs. I play with his hair as we go out to the kitchen. He never lets me play with his hair. He yawns as he sits.

"Here Sir!" I give him eggs and bacon, he never really likes it though, especially when I make it. He looks to be enjoying it, I smile as I watch. I go and grab his brush. He is way more enjoyable now, huh.

"This is really good Jonny," He comments as I sit down next to him and play with his hair again. "Thanks Sir," I say as I giggle. Wow, he really is enjoyable. Spooker and Colin burst through the door, not even knocking.

"We have the MOST important case ever! For us! The case of," Colin stopped looking at Spooker. "Oh right, ahem. Gregory Casket!" I look a bit scared at them saying the name.

Sir then looks a bit more off. "Get out of my head, no beat Jimmy up for me. JONNYGHOST SHUT UP OR SHUT JIMMY UP NOW!!" Ummm is it Sir anymore? Anyways he yells. "Sir? Is that you?" I ask, a bit cautious.

"N-Nothing... sorry Jonny," Sir says, looking a bit worried and hurt. "So what's the case Spooks and Colin?" Sir asks, looking quite interested. Well now! "Do you think we could talk in the other room for a minute please Sir?" I ask my 'boss'.

We go to my room. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper , "Is it really you Sir~" He looks pretty nervous now, I just notice his eyes are brown!! Not the blue I love!

"What's with the chocolate eyes?" I ask and he freaks out. "N-nothing J-Jonny," He says. "But Sir~ I thought you would never let me do this," I say as I get closer and almost smash our lips together. He stayed still... the real Sir would yell at me.

        His breathing began to become uneven. He is now shaking. "J-J-J-Jonny?" He squeaked, it was as quiet as a whisper. He gulped and I bit my lip. Whoever this guy was... he wasn't my Sir.

        He looked like he was getting drowsy as he tried to get closer to me now. He passed out but didn't exactly fall. His eyes were now blue. "J-J-Jonny!?" He screamed, my Sir is back. "S-S-Sorry Sir," I say as I blush.

        I take my arms away and to my sides. Sir began taking the hair out of my face. I start blushing way darker. "S-Sir?" I ask, becoming uncomfortable. "Jonny... was that true?" Sir asked, calmly.

"Ma-maybe," I answer, beginning to try and move away. He puts his left arm around my waist. "Give me a minute," Sir says, looking into my eyes as he gets closer.

"S-Sir?" I ask again, he was trying to tease... right? He smirked, I could now feel his hot breath against my lips. "S-Sir," I say again, ready for it now. He chuckles as he moves away now. GOSH DARN IT!!

"Why did you do that Sir," I ask, noticeably annoyed. "To see if it was a yes," Sir answers, he laughs again.

"But why now," I pout, wanting to feel a kiss again. I know Sir does too, he just doesn't want to admit it. He shrugs, saying we should get to the house in question for the new important case.

We got to the house and Sir was noticeably changing, he was trying to sneak a blue hoodie with him when we left the house. Oh and he was almost calling me Cerria at times.

"Jonny... I think I have another personality... they think we should stay away from this house," Sir informed me, looking quite distressed.

"What is their name Sir?" I ask, he just looks worried. "I do not think I should tell you," Sir explained, he wants to badly, I can tell. "Please Sir, maybe I could help you," I suggest, calmly to make sure he is comfortable.

"Jordan Frye or," Sir cuts himself off I think as he begins to choke. "Sir!!" I yell as he drops to his knees. He was struggling to breath. His eyes pleading for help.

"Vent... tur... ia... Venturi... an," Sir got out even though he looked like he was being strangled. He then gasped for breath, he was able to breath again. "Did you get that?" Sir asked once he caught his breath.

I process what he told me. My eyes go wide and I nod my head. "Good, because he was just choking me to not tell you that," Sir explained as I helped him up. "Do you need help breathing Sir?" I ask, I blush thinking of something he wouldn't comply with.

"Jonny oh yeah I might"-"Okay! That's enough!" Colin cut Sir off, we growled at him but did not continue. We go to the front door...


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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