Better Safe Than Sorry

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 For a while, we haven't had to hide, my kind and I. We have been out in the open, and I had to admit it feels better. Humans are no longer a problem, not since they found out about us supernatural.

The humans have feared us since they learned about who we are and what we are capable of. I never will understand those humans. They fear us but they do worse things than a beast or a vampire can ever do.

I guess every human is the same. I'm the person that the stories are about; I'm the monster that the humans make me out to be.

The thing is, I don't think we have to worry about humans but vampires are a different story. Ever since they lost their son about sixteen years ago, we have been on the edge of a never ending war.

We never knew why their son was able to keep the peace between us, he just always have. Once he was kidnapped everything changed, now we avoid each other to stay away from the pending war.

Our problems aren't humans but vampires and rouges. Rogues are beasts without packs. They have been kicked out for anything like breaking the law too many times or running for their safety.

Especially now, there are so many rouges out there because they don't feel safe in their homes like they used too. They have no other choice but to leave and run. Other packs won't take them in, fearing that it would be the end of their pack.

A knock came to my door, dragging me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my computer towards the door. I was trying to get work done but found it hard since I couldn't focus.

"Come in." The door open to reveal my best friend and beta. I picked up a pen to start writing whatever meeting I needed only to realize that I didn't need it.

"There's a human girl in the woods." I sat up as I listened to him talk for a few seconds. "What does she want?" I questioned dropping my pen onto the unneeded paper, giving him my complete focus.

"To meet you."

"Well, send her back to where she came from." Ray nodded before walking away only to bring back a girl.

"She wouldn't leave."

I sighed but didn't say anything. She's a human of all things, how can they not of stopped her?

The human girl shoved through the door, throwing Ray off balance, He sent a glare her way, but didn't make a move to stop her.

She was so pale that you could she could pass as a vampire but her eyes grabbed my attention. The icy blue sent me to the edge of the ocean. Her hair would be impossible to pick out in the middle of the night.

"So you are the big scary Alpha Taylor, yeah I don't see it."

"Taylor is my last name, you can go ahead and call me Kevin."

"Evangeline James." I nodded at her name, wondering why her parents would give her such a complicated name but didn't think too hard about it.

"I thought your kind was terrified of the supernatural." I stated, trying to figure out how or why she, a human was here. "You can take a seat." She did just that, she took a seat as I waited for an answer.

"What can I say? My kind is stupid."

"So why are you here?"

"To prove my classmates wrong."

"About what?"

"That the supernatural or whatever you call yourselves aren't deadly." She looked closely at me as I took the chance to did the same.

"And why would you want to do that?"

"Because I'm bored and hate my kind."

"What makes you think we aren't?" I grilled, something was special about her and I couldn't figure it out.

"Well, for one I'm not dead." I looked at her confused about why she would think I would kill her.

"Why would we kill you?"

"Yeah." She paused looking at me carefully, she stood up looking down at me. "You're not deadly. Now I'm on a mission, do you know where to find the vampire king?" She questioned turning and walking away only to pause for a second as the doors open in came Ray.

Ray looked between Evangeline and me before realizing something. I had no clue what that something was but he sure did. Evangeline looked between the two of us before going to bypass only for Ray to grab her.

"Hey!" She cried out, trying to pull away but didn't get far given that he was a beast and she was human. I stood up confused but ready to overstep if needed.

"Have you seen her neck?" Ray questioned pulling her hair off of her shoulders behind her back only to reveal the whole reason why she was special.

"Let me go!" She shouted with anger, rage filled her eyes.

"Is that?" I started but didn't finish.

"Yes, it's the mark. This human will be the difference that we need."

I walked out from behind the desk to come face to face with the one who was meant to change the world. I didn't realize how much taller I was compared to her.

She went to my chin in height and that was something I would be able to pick on her about later. Her icy blue eyes met with my pale green ones, but I couldn't tell her emotions, they were unreadable. I broke eye contact with her and nodded at Ray.

"What does this stupid tattoo have to do with you beasts?" She questioned as Ray let go of her. I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at her.

"Trust me, time will tell all."

"No, you don't get to do that, Time is bullcrap. I want to know." I shook my head before reaching out to grab Evangeline.

"Plus we can't have humans coming into the woods now, can we?" I pulled her out of my office dragging her down halls.

"Why not?" She had too many questions and one day that would get her into trouble.

"I don't know just that you humans mess with things that aren't yours. You like to hunt and kill things just for fun. You came onto my land and therefore you found out my secret, I can't let you go. You'll go back to wherever you came from and tell your little friends and boom, we have trouble."

I felt a pull causing me to look back to check on her only to find her lost in her thoughts with a smile on her face. I stared in surprise, I found that she did that often.

"What?" She looked up at me, a smile so big she looked happy.

"You guys aren't monsters, you just want the humans to believe that. If the humans believed the lies, you guys will no longer have issues. You wouldn't have to worry about deforestation, meaning you guys have a home. You guys wouldn't have to worry about humans finding you or killing you. Most of all, you guys don't have to worry about the stupidity of humans."

She knew her stuff, maybe a little bit too much. I found myself slowly nodding, and agreeing.

"Lucky you guys. I'm stuck with them."

"Well, not anymore." I found the first room that would be able to lock on the outside and opened it. I pulled on her arm before pushing her gently into the room, she spun around so fast that she was probably seeing stars.

"This is for your own safety, we can't have humans finding out." She went to run, but with me being supernatural, I was faster. The door slammed and locked and with that. She was safe from this cruel world. I looked at the pack member who followed me.

"Watch her, if she wants food or water, give it to her. Protect her and don't let her out. If something happens, get me." 

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