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Tell the truth maybe it will save us.

Say I love you before time ticks away.

I love you,but you hate me.

Sunlight tickles your face, but then it reminds you of the horror.

If I fall will you catch me?

Ask who I am, I just might tell you.

Will you accept my heart?

Take it and make it go deeper.

Let the moonlight take you away.

Go to sleep and wait for him.

Pretty girl don't cry.

He will never leave your mind.

Your heart won't beat until you hear those three simple words.

Can you love?

Scream and I will come to you.

Cry and I will hold you.

Run away and I'll find you and bring you back.

Scream my name I'll come around.

Lonely and scared describes my life.

My Life Splattered All AroundWhere stories live. Discover now