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Leah's POV

"Gah! Another f ing patrol! F-ing Sam, f-ing imprinting fucking up my life!!! F-ing wolf, fuck my f-ing life!"

Leah Clearwater was fuming to herself. She was a normal tribal young woman attending college.  Her life couldn't be happier.  She was engaged to her high school sweetheart Sam.  She and her cousin were visiting her parents, when her entire life changed. 

Sam imprinted on her cousin instantly, and though he tried to deny the imprint...2 weeks later she was kicked to the curb after a 3 year relationship, finding them in bed together, cheating behind her back.

To say she was devastated would be an understatement.

Little did she know at that time that Sam was a wolf shapeshifter and had no control of the imprint. Regardless he could have broken it off, instead of cheating behind her back..

She was still fuming, raging mad a month later seeing them together repeatedly that she shifted for the first time.

The first voice in her head was someone she never wanted to talk to again


Now, several months later, she was a part of the pack, forced to drop out of college, and instead doing patrols.  If that hadn't been enough punishment, she had been stuck hearing Sam's thoughts about her cousin.

.uggg why did life have to suck so bad.

So here she was out patrolling, hating her life and wishing anything would change, that she could stop the constant pain in her chest.

At this time Leah suddenly smelled the most enchanting scent she had ever smelled.

Woods, cinnamon, and ..cheeseburgers? What the hell is that?

She followed the scent deeper in the woods, past the idiotic border, to find the most statuesque looking grey/silver slightly shorter wolf, with a light red streak across its back.

This wolf moved with such grace and beauty that caused her to lose focus for a moment and snapped a twig. The strange wolf turned around skidding to a stop. Leah didn't know why, but she felt a pull to this wolf, and hadn't even seen the wolf's eyes. The demure wolf seemed confused, and shook their head. Leah didn't know why but her nature compelled to moved closer to nuzzle into their neck.  Somewhere in the middle of the nuzzle she heard...purring?

That was weird...

What the hell is going onLeah? Why aren't you checking in?

Leah had been working on her mental blocking skills, thanks to her vampy bff Rosalie, her beau Bella was a mental shield and had been teaching her.

Shit how do I explain this connection, why don't I want the guys to find this wolf...

All of a sudden the other wolf must have heard and smelled the guys coming closer, because the slight wolf  jumped in front of Leah in a protective? Stance.

This move melted and sped up her heart. While the red streaked wolf was indeed smaller, she emanated Power, raw and unyielding.

This could turn out so bad if I don't do something ...

Deciding to protect this strange wolf for some reason she pushed the alluring wolf away, hoping desperately that this would not be the only time she saw them.

Red wolf/grey wolfWhere stories live. Discover now