01. evil

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"the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - joseph conrad


haneul wants to believe that everyone is built with some sort of good. and when that good runs out due to hardships or errors made throughout one's life, they become bad.

and boy did this new case carry someone's serious evil ways. the person who committed the crime must've seriously been angry or bad throughout their life. haneul couldn't stomach the images of the crime scene much longer, and tossed the manila folder aside. she leaned into her chair and sighed deeply, wondering what the hell her next move was.

her eyes danced across her desk, halting at a picture frame that stood out. it was an image of her and him on their wedding day. haneul smiled at the image of her and jimin smiling so bright that it stood out from the bright colors in the background. the smile on her face soon turned into a frown as she remembered what had happened to her and jimin not too long ago. all the nights that ensued after kim taehyungs downfall, the nightmares and psychiatry visits, despite the doctorate degree haneul held.

haneul shook her head, hoping it would erase her thoughts like an etch-a-sketch. she glanced down at the manila folder and heaved another sigh. she couldn't deny the striking similarities between the two cases and that's what frightened her. some of the information wasn't released to the public, but every detail matched.

so what does that leave you with suspect wise?, haneul's mind asked her. and haneul didn't wanna believe it.

"hey hanny, you got something?" seokjin asked, watching the realization appear on her face. haneul nodded solemnly and let out another hefty sigh.

"think about it this way jin. there were are too many similarities to the case and the one we had before," haneul begins to explain.

"yeah, i know. but what are you on about?" jin asks.

"i mean, super similar. as in every detail, even some the public aren't aware of, are so similar. leaving us with one option—"

"someone from the old case is still involved," jin finishes.

"exactly. so we gotta go back," haneul huffed out.


"we gotta go all the way back into kim taehyung's life and see what drove him to be psychotic and who he inspired to do the same."


hello this be ya favorite unoriginal author in the house back and ready to tell you that it's finally gonna be all about kim taehyung. do you guys have any guesses on who is doing the murders? 🤔🤔🤔 you guys had some good guesses last book and i can't wait to see who you think is committing these a w f u l crimes 🤭🤭 should i leave Easter eggs in every chapter? let me know!


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