Hey Kyle

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**Hey I'm Kyle. You must be new**

Was he talking to me? I look around the bathroom and saw that I was the only person in here. So yea he was talking to me.

H-hey I'm Daniel.

OMG why I'm I stuttering!!

He just looked at me with his blue eyes. They reminds me of the ocean. I couldn't keep looking at him so I looked at the floor. Next thing I know I hear him laughing. I look up and he was smiling at me. I literally just died!

I remembered that I came here to freshen up. So I went to the sink and washed me hands and face. I can see him staring at me though the mirror. I didn't understand why he was just looking at me like that. When I was about to leave, Kyle said to me "hope to see you soon" (; {yes he winked at me}

Lunch time was over sadly. I had to go to geometry. I hate math so much with a passion. I would rather eat myself than do math. I'm not saying that I'm gong to eat myself. But I'm stating that I hate it that much.

I enter the class. The only thing I saw was Kyle standing right in front of the room smiling at me.

Okay. This is going to be interesting

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