You've Been Lonely Too Long

Start from the beginning

"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked.

"A week." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Seriously?" I asked. "A week?"

"It will be good for you." He said. "It will give you a chance to work out your differences with Demi." He said.

"You would think that I was marrying her." I sighed in frustration.

"Sel, don't be like his." He said sitting on the bed. "Please?"

I gave him a forced smile. "Ok." I muttered.

He kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

I didn't see Demi the rest of the day which was probably a good thing. I spent some time with Nate and went to bed at a relatively early hour. Nate was leaving early the next morning with Shane so he wanted to get as much sleep as possible.

When I woke the next morning he was already gone. I went to the kitchen in my pajamas to make some breakfast. I frowned when I realized it was cloudy out. I saw her sitting at the table reading the newspaper with her feet propped on the tabletop. She was wearing a pair of cowboy boots, wrangler jeans, and a faded workshirt. I frowned as I realized the boots were muddy and all over the table.

"Mornin'" She grumbled without putting the paper down.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully.

She moved the paper slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"Someone seems awfully happy today." She said.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

I watched as she tossed the paper onto the table and stood.

"I've got work to do. I'll talk to you later." She said as she grabbed her hat and walked out the door.

I could hear her heavy footfalls until she stepped off the wood deck. I watched a she headed toward the barn and dissappeared inside.

"She's not usually like that." I heard her mother say as she entered the kitchen. "She's had a rough couple of years."

"So I've heard." I answered softly.

"She'll warm up to you dear. Just give her time." Connie assured me.

I smiled and squeezed Connie's arm as I took my bagels upstairs to my room. Demi was like a damn cactus. Prickly and irritating. Once I finished my breakfast, I climbed into the shower. I could hear the thunder as it boomed loudly over head. I finished getting ready and went back downstairs. I could hear the rain as it pelted the roof of the house. I stepped outside and saw Nate's dad watching Demi in one of the small corrals.

"What's she doing?" I asked him.

"Breaking a horse." He answered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"She's teaching it to let people ride it." He explained.

I nodded and returned my attention toward the corral. It was pouring rain and Demi was drenched. I watched as she led the horse around the corral several times before coming to a stop. I could hear her speaking softly to the animal. I watched as she grabbed the saddle horn and placed a foot into on of the stirrups. The horse immediately tensed at her actions. She rubbed its neck and quickly climbed into the saddle. I watched as the horse jerked her around, spinning and kicking. After several moments I watched in horror as she was thrown from the saddle and hit the wood fence posts. She landed hard in the mud.

"Ohmygod!" I exclaimed. "Is she ok?" I asked her dad.

"She's fine." He answered.

I watched as she slowly pulled herself off the ground. She was grimacing in pain. I could tell she was angry.

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