"I get that. Well I don't really get the celebrity and preforming aspect, but I understand trying to find that constant happiness. It's like no matter how many times you do what you love, like for you preforming, you're always going to have the lows. I think you just need to find that somebody that will make you forget about the sad parts." Shawn nods his head in what looks like agreement.

"Have you found your someone?" he asks.

"No, but I think i just admitted that I needed one."

Shawn looks over at me more confused than ever. I open my mouth to explain myself.

"After I had this bad breakup, I brainwashed myself into believing that I didn't need anyone else except myself. For a really long time I believed it. Now I am here practically telling myself that I need that someone."

"Honestly, this probably has been one of the best conversations, I've had in a while." Shawn tells me.

I smile and agree. I look around the roof and see everyone has cleared out, except for some of the bartenders cleaning up.

"I guess, I should probably get going."  I say, not wanting to go, but at the same time not wanting to be a bother.

"no, no please stay. are you hungry? do you want to go out for a bite?" Shawn asks.

I turn around, nodding my head, "That would actually be great."

I start to take off my heels realizing I forgot my comfortable clothes bag at home.

"I don't want to be a bother but could I borrow some clothes?'' I awkwardly ask, looking down at my feet.

"Yeah, of course. Just follow me." he responds, walking down the steps towards his floor.

We go down around three flights of stairs and walk to a dark oak door labeled "568". I head inside seeing his house for the first time. he had a large L shaped white cloth couch facing a big flat-screen T.V. He had beautiful windows that reached floor to ceiling, and had a oak coffee table. It looked so cozy.

I look back at Shawn and start to follow him to his bedroom. On the way, we pass a studio area. I stand outside of is door, unsure if i should invite myself in. He rummages through his drawers and pulls out a military green cross fit sweatshirt, black Nike sweatpants and old black rubber flip flops.

handing them to me, I respond with a thank you. "The bathrooms to the right." Shawn mentions.

I nod my head, and go his bathroom, turn the light on and lock his door.

I quickly rip my uncomfortable and sweaty dress off putting on his over sized sweatshirt and sweatpants. I had to roll up the sweatpants at the waist so they would fit, and also at the bottoms.

I then proceed to wash my blotchy makeup off with whatever soap was in there, and put my hair into a ratty bun. I also managed to walk in his humongous flip flops. I go out of the bathroom to see he has changed as well.

"oh, I almost forgot one thing..." Shawn spoke, walking into his kitchen picking up black ray ban sunglasses and a grey baseball cap.

"Here. In case any paparazzi are out this late" I put them on as Shawn does the same with a maroon cap and different sunglasses.

I giggle at how stupid I look. "I thought this only happened in the movies."

"Welcome to my life." He jokingly says, picking up his car keys and opening his condo door for me.

"So where are we headed?" I curiously ask, as we make our way down to the underground garage. I look around to the rows of cars.

"Um I was thinking we could head to this diner down the street, its open 24/7 and has the best burgers."

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