25| T H E R I N G

Start from the beginning

The part where I kissed H circulated in my head ever since his return but I refused to talk about it with him. Somehow feeling Harry again made me regret ever having lingering feelings for H. It knocked the sense back into me.

"Of course! I really never anticipated this happening, at least not for a while longer so it was all a big shock,"

"Well, I'm happy for you Elle! A baby is like bringing your love to life in some ways," Niall tells me patting my shoulder and leaving my dressing room alone with the thought.

I guess he was right but something didn't feel right when I thought about my love with H taking form. I don't know if I loved H. I tolerated him but I haven't got much further then that, love was a strong word.


"What's up your ass?" I ask setting my bag down as I look over at H who vigorously paces around after turning off a news report.

"Those fucking detectives are snooping around in places they shouldn't be," H grits. I had forgotten to fill him in on what they had told me when he was in his coma.

"What do you mean?" I ask knitting my brows together knowing what he's talking about in a way. I wasn't sure what he knew but I knew my fair share of what he meant by snooping where they shouldn't.

"Apparently there is new evidence to support a homicide with our neighbors! I made sure to erase any trace of us! I staged the place perfectly!" H throws the remote and breathes heavily, I could see a black cloak encapsulate him as he paced.

"They found a ring..." I breathe feeling my nerves prick at my skin. Anxiety shoots through my bloodstream quicker then I am able to comprehend. My heart beat drums against the cage it was protected in.

"What ring? How do you know they found a ring?" H cocks his head to the side and walks towards me slowly. The intimidation heating up my entire body the closer to got. I stood my ground but deep down wanted to cower back into the corner of the room.

"It's Ummm..." I hesitate for a few seconds and stray my gaze down to the floor taking in a deep breath. I knew his reaction to this wasn't going to be good, his reaction to anything isn't great honestly. "It's my wedding ring,"

"What the fuck Chanel?" H storms off and stomps like the sound of thunder. I would be lying if I said he wasn't scaring me but I kept my emotions concealed the best I could. I knew him too well, he didn't like when I cried or reacted to him with fear, it only made things worse.

"God damn it!" H throws the decor off the coffee table in the living room and paces around while I stand in the doorway unsure of if I should move.

"H I'm sorry, I forgot I took my ring off while I was in the shower," I tell him honestly. The events of that night opened up to me like a picture book I had read a thousand times.

"You're sorry? Oh, really?" H turns to me with a manic look in his eyes. His emeralds eyes dilated as he stepped closer to me. "Well I'm so glad you are remorseful, that just fixed everything now doesn't it!" He laughs causing more anxiety to bubble up in my veins.


"Their evidence and investigation is just poof, gone! Disappeared into thin air! All in the name of you being SORRY!" H tosses an empty beer bottle against the wall just to watch it shatter into the light colored carpet. I finch thinking he's throwing at me, breaking my collected state.

"You didn't have to kill them, to begin with! You didn't have to drag me into it! You didn't have to do a lot of things but you've done them!" I yell surprising myself with the aggression that was built up and stored in my mind. He was the whole reason we were in this situation, if he hadn't lost control over himself we wouldn't be here.

"Do you want to say that louder?" H yells back attaching his hand to my jawline where he sets pressure against it. I swallow hard with my eyes glazed over my lips tremble.

"Don't threaten me, we already know you aren't going to hurt me. I'm carrying your baby, so let's skip the dramatics," I tilt my head to the side and feel a single tear slip from my glassy eyes.

"Don't challenge me, Kitten," He tells me but I rip his hand away that was clawed into my jaw.

"There's no point in any of this, instead of trying to intimidate why don't we figure this shit out?" I ask with a certain grittiness in my voice.

"I already have, and I plan on taking care of it tomorrow night," H tells me darkly.

"You can't just kill them," I start knowing what he is insinuating. I knew what his solution to the problem was, it was staring back at me in plain sight.

"You've given me the perfect excuse Kitten," He tells me running a finger over my cheek. "It's either that or your ass is going to be giving birth behind cell bars,"

"There has to be another way, you can't just solve everything with murder. Plus, that's suspicious, all the sudden a detective makes a break in a murder case and she mysteriously is murdered herself?" I ask bringing more logic to H's "quick fix". If anything that would put more of a spotlight on us especially since they came to me about having my ring.

"Not murdered, just disappeared... maybe she was lusting over a different life since the grind of detective work wore on her," H turns to me with a dark smirk spreading across his face like a comic book villain. A shiver runs up my spine and my blood starts running at the ideas twirling around in his tormented mind.

"And by disappeared you mean you are..." I attempt but even thinking about more bloodshed caused nausea to circulate in my stomach. I could physically feel the churing as heat rises to my cheeks and flashbacks of crimson stains resurfaced in my mind.

"It's the only option you have Kitten, you did the crime but if I do this you won't have to put in the time. However, you don't have a choice in the matter because if they are on to you it's not long before they are on to me next," H explains tucking my hair behind my ear once he reaches me. My hands shake and I can feel my system overloading the more I think about the impending fate of this detective.

"Is this ever going to be over?" I ask him as he rubs a thumb over my defeated face that begs for some sort of stability. I felt like my emotions were a roller coaster I couldn't get off meanwhile my world was spinning out of control.


"Don't lie to me H," I whisper feeling his lips only inches apart. I can feel his hands cup the nape of my back, he inches me closer to him until my bump presses lightly against his stomach.

"I'm going to take care of you kitten, that's all you need to know," He whispers in our close proximity. I close my eyes and before I know it his lips are locked with mine. Electricity runs down my spine and ignites something deep inside of me, sparks a flame that burns within my chest.

N. Would you let H take care of your "problems"? I swear I'm the author and I feel bad about how much stress I make Chanel go through but aye it makes for good drama! What do y'all think? Let me know! Also I have a new story coming out around Halloween and it may or may not be another hariana story;) check it out if you haven't already!

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