Chapter 1: Creating

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Tord awoke laying on the cold stone floor of his dingy workshop. The horn-haired Norwegian yawned and got to his feet rubbing the back of his head with an oil smeared hand. A faint beam of sunlight had fought it's way through the small grimy window and onto the dust encrusted stone floor. The room had almost nothing in it other than a large cupboard in one corner and a large stone table on which a selection of robotic hands were scattered. The short man yawned and walked toward the stone table and pushed aside most of the assorted hands leaving two pale ones. Tord nodded and put the hands in a box labelled "Tomas New robot" in a rather messy scrawl. Tord then walked to the cupboard stirring up a small amount of dust. He sighed as he pulled open the cupboard and took out a unusually round human-like head and put it on the table as he began to plug in thick strands of wire brunette ''hair'' making the ''hair'' stand up straight. Tord nodded in satisfaction enjoying the look of his, now spiky haired, creation.

He put the head in the box and walked from the dingy workshop. As he left he placed the midnight black eye patch over his empty eye socket,so not to scare off any potential customers, and took his place behind his desk.

The sun rose higher in the sky. Tord flexed the red robotic left arm checking if it needed oiling. The man gazed off into space as he remembered the day, the day he was forsaken, the day he lost his arm and eye. Unbidden the memories returned to him as he sat there.

"I've got what I came for! Good bye Edd, world's not going to take over it's self!" A maniacal grin crossed his face as he rose higher into the sky. "Good bye old friend!"

A loud roar came from where the tall green hooded man gazed up at the giant red robot rising higher into the sky. "I am not your Friend!"He roared as he shot the gigantic harpoon gun strait at Tord. Fortunately for the Norwegian the harpoon missed him but made the robot explode. Tord fell for what felt like forever before he landed with a loud thump on the top of a hill. Two men rushed to his aid,bandaging him and taking him back to Norway where-.


The obnoxious bell brought Tord back to reality. A tall, gangly man stood in the shop his deep set dark blue eyes fixed disdainfully on the short man who sat behind the till.

"Hei-"Tord began his normal greeting to all his customers.

"Shut up, robot." The man snapped, crossly.

"Sir,I do not happen to be a robot" Tord said rather stiffly wishing for a reason to kick this man from the small shop.

"Ok then take me to Tord Lund" he said still slightly irritated.

"Sir,I am Tord Lund" Tord responded, still wishing for the man to leave.

"Huh,smaller than I expected, but anyway. Mr Lund, I am Leif Larkson and I have a business proposition for you to conceder-"

"Not interested Mr Larkson. As I have told countless before you, I am not interested in working for anyone else. I am content in the state of my shop, good day to you, sir" Tord interrupted not really caring if he was rude, he just wanted this man out of his shop.

"B-but"Leif stammered seeming at a loss for words.

"Mr Larkson," Tord started reasonably. "I insist that unless you intend on purchasing some of my items on sale, I suggest you leave my shop so that no other customers feel intermediated by your presence."Tord gazed at the blue circle in the back of his robotic left arm,seemingly disinterested.

Leif nodded. "Farewell Mr Lund." Leif turned and left the small shop.

"Faen"Tord cursed. "Can't stand those kiss-asses. Make me positively sick" Tord then flipped off the man who was walking away from the door on the bright street outside. It was with this gesture of contempt that the red robotic arm got stuck. "Damn it!" Tord yelled as he walked to the sign by the door and changed it to read closed.

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