update july 29

238 23 22

I'm going to combine the action and adventure categories, mainly because they're pretty similar and I think it would help speed up these awards.

That being said, I doubt I'll combine any more, because I don't think there's any others that are even related enough for that to make sense.

That being said, we need more entries. A lot of them. Hunt down some people and tell them about these awards! I'm in a judging mood today so if anything gets filled (here or in the Short Short Stories contest, which is also on this account) I'll be judging them and getting results out very soon.

Also, a question:

When I (or the other judges) judge the first round, would you like all the results ie everyone's scores and feedback, or just the winners'?

Comment below and tag friends and all that jazz.

Hope y'all have lovely days!

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