Chapter 9- Hand-holding and Hip-hop

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Jason's POV

        After 5 hours of hardcore dancing the boys and I were sprawled across the floor, while the twins were stretching at the barre and Tatiana was trying to hit this step. I couldn't stop watching her. Her movements were so fluid and you could tell she was just born to dance. 

        "Jason!" I was knocked over by a blow to the shoulder from Mad.


        "Stop ogling over Tati and ask her to walk to Yogo with us!" You see, the boys and I planned to indulge in a treat after a hard day of dance.

        "The twins to?" I questioned, not wanting to leave them out. Madison ooked down and Mikey perked up. He got up and strutted over to Millie. Or was it Ellie? Either way, both twins nodded and went to get their things. I sauntered over to Tatiana. "Here," I stopped her, "Like this." I showed her the right accents and motioned for her to try. She tried once more and hit it. She turned to me shyly.

        "Thanks. It was really bugging me," she thanked and then wrapped her arms around my waist. She pulled backed and smiled, blushing a little.

        "No problem," I smiled. "Wanna get Yogo with me, the boys and the twins?" She nodded eagerly.

        "Lemme just text my mom and grab my bag!" She did a half jog/skip into the waiting area where everyone else was waiting. Tati texted her mom while we left the studio, Mikey and Millie leading the way. Ater she was finished, she slipped her phone into her dance bag, her other hand accidentally brushing mine. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she babbled.

        I smiled at her, and took her smaller hand in mine and swung our arms gently for the short walk to Yogo.


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