What More Could Possibly Be Taken?

Start from the beginning

  A few days passed before Rose's laptop chimed again. It was on her desk, across the room, but she had left it open. She frowned, expecting to have to deal with Dave's bullshit again, and pleasantly surprised to see the green text, rather than red. 

—tentacleTherapist (TT) began pestering gardenGnostic(GG) at 9:24—
GG: hey rose
GG: you there?

"Kanaya," she asked.

  "Yes dear?"

  "Do you mind if I see why Jade is pestering me?"

  Kanaya smiled, placing the bookmark to save her page, and set it down. "Of course not."

  Quickly kissing her cheek, Rose sat down in her spinny chair and clicked the notification.

TT: Yes. What is it Jade?
GG: Do you think Dave has been
GG: um
TT: uninterested in maintaining a friendship with you, John and I?
GG: i was going to say acting a little distant lately but
GG: ...
GG: yeah :(
TT: Did he wish you a happy birthday?
GG: no
TT: He didn't acknowledge mine either.
GG: he didn't even come to his own birthday party!
GG: we were working on it for weeks!
TT: John said Dave was called home during their pizza date. How true that actually is remains uncertain.
TT: And it was our 3 birthday parties combined into the "ultimate birthday party supreme." Remember?
GG: yeah but
GG: still
GG: what on earth could have been so important?
TT: My guess? I have two.
GG: well tell meeee!
TT: The first and most likely would be his brother actually did ask him to go home to participate in somehing "ironic." Something Dave would deem cool for whatever reason he can come up with on the spot.
GG: and your second guess?
TT: Even though it isn't something I would like to assume Dave would do, I can't help but wonder if he ditched John before he could tell him about the party in favour of spending time with Karkat.
TT: Even then, although I wouldn't put it past him, Dave gets sappy on our birthdays.
TT: And though his gifts could be seen as stupid or unthoughtful, the time and effort put into them proves he tried his best.
TT: In his own ways.
GG: you really think he would do that?
GG: on our birthdays?
TT: I don't know anymore, Jade.
TT: That night we went to play laser tag together, he didn't even enter the room. He and Karkat went across the street to that ice cream parlour.
TT: Only an idiot would think we are dealing with the same old Dave.
GG: ...
GG: i just didnt expect it all to happen in barely two months
GG: can that even happen?!
TT: It seems it can.
TT: Oh.
TT: John is trying to pester me.
GG: answer him then
TT: You sure?
GG: positive :)
TT: If you insist.
—tentacleTherapist (TT) ceased pestering gardenGnostics (GG) at 9:36—

  The sun peaked through the thick leaves overhead, waking the hungry sea dweller. The last thing he had eaten was a few human cookies, and that was already two days ago. Eridan yawned and stretched his arms out, eyes still shut. There was movement next to him, but it was nothing to fear. It was his ex-kismesis, now current moirail. They had gotten quite pale last night, which would explain why Sollux was literally breathing down his gills.

"I'm thtarving," Sollux whined sleepily. If only he had his psionics, then he would be able to tear a bird out of a tree to eat. Instead, he's stuck trying not to gag at the taste of worms he plucks out of the ground. Eridan refuses to eat them. Sollux sighed; just a few more days, then his concussion would be better and he could keep them both from starving to death. He looked up at the yawning face of his quadmate, who was too busy clutching his empty guts to notice. He may not have a few days, Sollux thought grimly.

"Shut up Sol, at least you ate those, gross..wwhatever they w-were!" He glared at the ground, as if he could hear the snickering voices of the worms. Nope, that was just Sollux. He had that stupid smirk and everything.

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