8: About to Start

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Kylen passed his brother as he was heading into the kitchen. He knew Grae was headed to Maleiha's to pick her up. They were going to her parents' for something or another. He was just happy that his brother was getting more sleep and had stopped trying to watch her every minute of the day when he wasn't working with them.

It had been a few weeks since she had been attacked and honestly, Kylen felt sorry for anybody that tried it again. Not only because his brother was going to lose his shit and kill them, but because she was going to beat the hell out of them. She had been training with Ashton and Kylen would admit that he was impressed. She was a fast learner and when he had taunted her one day as they were training, she had put him on his ass. Though he hadn't been expecting her to retaliate against his words, he wouldn't take the small victory away from her.

Going over to the fridge he opened it and looked inside. It was damn near empty. None of them had gone to the grocery store and he damn sure wasn't going to do it. He despised it.

Deciding that he would go and get him something to eat, he headed out of the house and got into his car. He didn't know where he wanted to go, but he figured once he saw something he wanted he would stop.

Kylen drove around for almost half an hour before he spotted a Cane's restaurant and decided he would get something from there.

Pulling up to the drive-thru, he waited his turn, ordering his food and pulling around to the window. When he pulled up to pay, the girl there smiled at him before batting her eyelashes. Kylen handed her some cash and got his change before driving to the next window.

It took a minute to open and when it did, he expected to see someone handing him his food. Instead of that, what he saw was the girl that had been at the first window. He rolled his eyes, as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.

He wondered if she thought it was cute. If all girls that did it thought that it was cute. To him, they looked like confused toddlers. And while it may have been cute on a toddler it was not on her. She opened her mouth to say something to him, but he decided to take a page out of his brother's book and stop her before she could.

"I have a woman and I'm psychotic." He told her, piercing her with his blue eyes.

He watched as hers widened before she walked away from the window quickly. A moment later someone else came. Giving him his drink and his food. Kylen took it before pulling off and heading back to his house.

When he got there he walked into the kitchen and found Rico leaning against the island eating tacos. He sat at the bar and began to eat his food. After a few minutes, he asked Rico how the new drug was doing. It had hit the streets a few days ago and he had yet to check on the numbers, but he had put Rico in charge of primary distribution so he knew the older man knew.

They sat and talked about the quick spike in sales and demand for them, but he hadn't expected anything else. Their merchandise and product was known by everyone that bought from them to be top quality. So, it made sense that when they introduced something new, people would take to it.

From the sounds of things, Kylen knew they would have no trouble meeting his sales goal and more than likely doubling it. He would wait a few months and continue to monitor it's progress before expanding to their sellers in other states.

Once he was finished eating, he threw his trash away before deciding he needed something to occupy his time for a while. As siblings, the five of them hadn't spent much time together unless they were working. They had, what Ry liked to call, sibling nights twice a month. It was something their mother had initiated when they were younger and they had stuck with it as they had gotten older.

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