Ch. Three

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Megan's POV 

I awoke to the sounds of the front door slamming shut and rubbed the sleep from my eyes quickly, sitting up in the bad and hugging my sweater closer to my chest. Soon after the slam of the door, I heard his quick footsteps stomping up the staircase. I knew immediately that something had to be wrong with him. He always slams the door loud enough to make it clear that he's upset before he ventures up to our room and tells me about the stressful day he's had or bare me the bad news of what he'd heard that day.

"Li, what's wrong baby?," I asked groggily, my voice still rather thick with sleep. His face went from angry to sad as soon as he looked at me and saw that I had been sleeping. He immediately rushed over and sat on the bed beside me< pressing his cold lips to my warm, flushed cheek. "I didn't mean to wake you love..." he said quietly as his long arm draped over my shoulders, pulling me into his side. 

"It's fine Liam.. I needed to wake up anyways. Now tell me what's bothering you. Was it something that happened with management at the meeting?" I asked already figuring the worst. They probably told him that he has to go on tour and Liam being the guy he is, has to go. I knew that going into this relationship around two years ago that i'd have to come to a time like this where i'd need him and he would'n't be able to be there because of his job. I'm more than proud and happy for him that he's able to be so good at what he does but it is really hard at times. Being away from the one you love is never easy and now that i'm expecting to bring a child into the world it just makes it all harder to face that he'll be gone somewhere across the country or across the world maybe.

"They said I had to go or they'd replace me in the band.... I told them that they'd just have to start looking for a new band. I'm not leaving you here alone at anytime baby. I can't. I have to be here with you through everything. Every step of the way. I know the guys will be upset with me but we'll find a way to get a different label to sign us after the baby is born. It shouldn't be that hard.. we've had tons of labels asking to sign us over the past year so I know we'll get back out there. I just wouldn't be able to leave you alone to do all of this by yourself..." His words made my heart swell knowing that he cared about the baby and I that much but I knew I had to stop him. He couldn't ruin his career or the other guys careers... They've all worked so hard for what theyv'e accomplished and I will not let myself be the reason behind them ending it.

"No Liam. You're going back in there and telling them that you're going on tour. I cannot and absolutley will not be the cause behind all of this. You have four other great guys and millions and millions of fans to look ut for. Me and the baby are just little pieces in your life Li. You have to go. I'm sure we'll be fine. I promise we'll be waiting here when you get back.. Nothing will change that." I said in all seriousness, my small hands lathching onto his larger ones, holding them tightly as I forced mysef to stare intently into his brown eyes. 

"I don't want to leave you guys for that long..." he whispered, his voice cracking as his brown eyes glossed over with tears threatening to spill over. My heart ached at seeing th epain in his eyes but I knew that he had to do this for himself, me, the baby, the boys, and his many fans that look up to him so much.

"You have to love... do it for me? For the baby? Please?" I said my face inches from his. He seemed to be thinking it over before finally his head moved up and down in a small almost unnoticable nod, "Only for you two..." 

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