Ch. One

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Liam's POV

As I paced back and forth in our shared bedroom, my heart beat continued to pound rapidly in my chest, my nerves getting the best of me. I can't believe I was so stupid! How could I have been that stupid? I've always used protection. Always. I never wanted to risk this happening to us... Of course I want kids with her but.. I don't think we're ready for that yet. I haven't even gotten the chance to ask her to marry me yet! I know she'd like to be married before having a baby and so would I.

My head snapped up at the sound of the door opening, my full attention now on her, not knowing what to expect from her unreadable expression. I carefully placed my hand under her chin and lifted up so I could meet her gaze. I cleared my throat before sighing and taking a deep breath, "Well what did it say..." My voice said softly just above a whisper.

"I'm pregnant Li..."

I felt as though the wind had been knocked out of me as I just stood there blankly, the normal color in my cheeks replaced with a pale white. We can do this. My mouth opened and closed as I tried to say those four words but absolutely nothing would come out. My throat was dry and I had to swallow the lump that had began to form as I took in her appearance. She looked so afraid and so fragile. I wrapped my arms around her small frame carefully and pulled her into my chest, rocking her slowly as my head raced with thoughts of what could possibly happen due to her being pregnant with our baby.

"It's gonna be alright... we'll... we'll figure something out baby girl. I promise. This is all my fault and I know I can't fix it but I can at least try..." My voice said softly into her hair as she cried silent tears into my chest.

Megan's POV

After hearing what he had to say I could only nod my head, too afraid of using my voice, not trusting it to work correctly. I was beyond scared at this point. I was scared of pregnancy, scared of the hate I'd receive from One Direction fans, scared of my parents reaction, scared of birth, scared of motherhood. With every new negative thought, my chest grew heavier and sobs began to wrack though my body.

"I'm scared Liam..." I whimpered, my shaky voice muffled by his warms chest. I felt my body being lifted from the ground and carried over to our bed where he laid down with me pulled as close to him as possible.

"We're gonna get through this.. I love you Megan.. and I'll love you even more now that our baby is growing inside of you." I heard him say in all seriousness as one of his large hands settled onto my still flat stomach. I could only nod my head, relaxing slightly from his words as I realized that I'd have him by my side through it all. "I love you too Li.." I whispered quietly, curling into his warm body.

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